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Cornish Buffer Layout Resistor Difference

Started by jball85, July 01, 2016, 09:16:28 PM

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In the various Cornish Buffer layouts available around the net, I've found that some list 51Ω and some have 50K or 51KΩ. Has anyone tried both resistors to see if there is a difference, or if one of the two values is actually correct? I'm using 51K as of now, but I don't want to tear the pedal apart to switch that resistor out a couple of times if the difference in tone is negligible.

Examples are attached for reference.


I found a note about that discrepancy in the comments on tagboard:

"R8 is 51R and when the effect which is included is bypassed then the 51R goes to output Jack via an 91R resistor so 51+91R =142 R are close to the 150R used when buffer used as a standalone buffer , by the way if the buffer is placed in front of the effect then the 50K resistor from output to ground should go as well to the output jack too and not on the board so when the effect is engaged the 50K resistor is in the output and not in front of the effect , like this way works on G-2 .

I repeat when buffer is standalone buffer 91R goes with 51R and is 150R and also with the 50K both are included on the board like the vero here.

Analog Design Pedals Greece "

I am fairly new to electronics so I cannot speak to the veracity of this statement, so use at your discretion.


Ok, I dug a bit more and think I can de-engrish that comment a bit. Using a Madbean schematic to boot!

Thats the local G-2 derivative. You can see the mythical buffer is split into "before the effect" and "after the effect" sections (for lack of a better description). R8 and R38 (51R and 91R) become the 150R resistor on tagboard trace when the buffer is used as a standalone, with the 50kR as part of the output filter. So if you are using this buffer as a standalone, start-of-chain/end-of-chain cleanup box, use the tagboard vero as-is. If you are installing it in a box as part of another effect, mind the wiring.

Edit: Found an illustration of the wiring -

And please for the love of all the various voodoo entities watching, if someone with more hands on experience with this wants to chime in, do so. Logical deduction can only get me so far with this stuff.


Ahh, I seemed to have skipped that comment while speed reading through that page. Thank you.


FWIW I can hear a difference between a stand alone build and the bypass buffer in the Darkside. I think the Darkside has ever so slightly less treble, same flavor, just a subtle shift in the high end.