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Running back to Saskatoon to see... Derek Trucks

Started by jkokura, June 26, 2016, 06:33:39 PM

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Yep. Me and the wife are heading up to S'toon to go see Tedeshi Trucks band tonight. Top 5 guitar player for me, a dream to get to see them live.

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TTB is really amazing. They do it all. Amazing guitar playing, great singing, great songwriting... and Tim on bass is really great.



Sweet! I've seen them twice and will see them again in august. Have a great time!



He's great.  Loved it when oteil was in the band
I thought this would save me money.


This is good - it's when they did the joe cocker album at Lockn

I thought this would save me money.




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It should be a good show.

I once saw EJ open up for Trucks at a little club in Lafayette, LA.  If seeing those 2 guys back-to-back doesn't make you want to quit playing for good, nothing will!  :o
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If any of you guys haven't seen their last Austin City Limits performance, I can't speak highly enough about it. Classic performance.


My old man used to work in Saskatoon. It's waaaaay up there. Isn't winter moving in there soon? ;D 8) ;)


Well I'm back, and I'm not disappointed.

They played for about an hour and 45 minutes straight. Maybe a couple times individuals from the band took a break for a song, like there was a piece that Susan did with two other singers, just the three of them. But all told, they were one of the best I've seen in terms of playing continuously. Most bands I've seen these days seem to talk a whole bunch between songs, and it can get annoying. I don't mind hearing a short story or two if it's relevant, but I'm paying for the music!

These guys were freaking amazing. I've never seen a band with two drummers, and I thought it was phenomenal afterward. There was a big drum thing in the middle where the two of them were improvising, and playing off one another, and it was spectacular. You'd think the two drummers would get in each others way, but it never seemed to be an issue.

The horn section was amazing. The lady playing the trombone was SOOOO into it. The guy playing the sax was mr cool with his sunglasses on all night. Trumpet guy played a really interesting solo at one point that got me to my feet. Probably the most talented of the band members was the guy who played the Organ, Keys, and flute. He sang too. I was blown away by the sheer talent that everyone had.

It's a huge band too, like maybe 12 people? It seems like the band is made up of musicians who by themselves could probably have their own act, but they've come together to be the whole. That inspires me, because good musicians make other musicians better, and that made this whole night flawless. I mean, I can't think of a bad note I heard, or think of a time when they weren't in sync.

Of course Derek was amazing, but I wish I he had soloed a bit more. He often let Susan play, and while her voice just is so fantastic, her guitar playing was middling. She's much better than the average female singer/songwriters, in that she can play more than just chords, but her soloing style was a bit choppy. Perhaps as a band they're introducing more of that on purpose though, which would be good for her, and good for young women to see as well. But her voice! My wife was pretty much unfamiliar, and that's the thing that stood out for her. She leans over and remarked on it right away, and that's what she remembers most.

Anyway, if you ever get a chance to head out and see the Tedeschi Trucks band, don't hesitate. It's worth it.

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