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Egnater pedals - overlooked gems?

Started by Willybomb, June 25, 2016, 07:58:50 AM

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It turns out that Mr Bruce Egnater himself is in the DIY STOMPBOXES (unofficial) facebook group I'm in.  He answers a lot of questions about design and whatnot, but recently he asked if anyone has ever played the Egnater pedals (the Goldsmith, Silversmith, and Blackmetal).

I hadn't even heard of them.  I think they've only been out a year or so, but the functionality looks fantastic - some really useful features.  Haven't tried them, but they have all the things I've been (all of us?) thinking about putting in pedals like loops, effect order switches et al.  He just designs for the company these days and has nothing to do with the business side AFAIC.

Check them out, very interesting.  Only posting because it seems like something we'd all be interested in.  No commercial benefit for me.


The amptweaker full size pedals have a bunch of features like that. The only reason I haven't bought any is I already have dirt pedals covered.


Thanks for the link. Those are certainly some great-looking pedals, definitely worth checking out.

Drew Hallenbeck

I've been tempted to try one out in the past. Bruce designs/makes some really cool stuff. I had an Egnater Vengeance for a while. Killer high gain amp with an awesome clean channel. Not something you usually find in high gainers in that price range. I miss the amp but it was waaaaay overkill for screwing around in my basement.
I might just have to be on the lookout for a good score on one of those stomp boxes.........

heads off to evilbay..........................
Building with my daughter and occasionally selling as "Daddy Daughter Pedal Works"
Not for any real profit, just trying to have a self-funding hobby.