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We're out... (UK leaves EU)

Started by juansolo, June 24, 2016, 07:28:34 AM

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Quote from: jtaormina on June 24, 2016, 05:32:09 PM
This is causing my stocks to fall damnit.

It's pretty much making all stocks fall, and Europe was supposed to be the safe place to invest. I'm sure it'll bounce back at some point but it looks like it could be a while depending on what happens next and how this whole thing is managed. Oh well, thats all a long game anyway, not much we can do right now other than wait.

Quote from: thesmokingman on June 24, 2016, 03:15:04 PM
not going to lie, my first thought was the much more favorable exchange rate

I have to admit that it almost made me wish we had booked a vacation in the UK instead of Montreal for next week. Europe just looked to expensive when we were planning.


Not to mention that there will probably be much more serious repercussions from this for people who in the UK or the UN in general than just stock market fluctuations.


UK is no longer the world's 5th largest (probably) economy after the pound plunges.
Congratulations France.
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


Sheesh the freaking world is going nuts. So the EU crumbles and Donald is president of the united states.... Or Hillary is president of the united states and the EU doesn't crumble or it does. How hard is it to get a passport to Mars?

Or is this really Mars and the Vapor Trails contain drugs that make us think it's Earth?


Quote from: Cortexturizer on June 27, 2016, 12:16:29 PM

Devastating read.

Politicians to show a cool level head and real leadership? Why not ask for end to world hunger and for world peace as well? The whole reason we had to go through this referendum (or any other for that matter) is because politicians lacked the balls to do what they were elected to do and instead passed the buck on to the electorate. Made worse because there are a bunch of political arsonists running amok. Sadly enough here on the continent as well.

As usual we are failing to head the lessons of the past. Like the former Yugoslavia, where political opportunists were also way too willing to throw a burning torch into the political powderkeg for their own lust for power and where the former parts are nowadays nowhere near what they could have been as a whole.


Well color / colour me stunned. I was soooooo close to trading long on the Euro because I thought for sure they would vote to stay. Glad I didn't.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Quote from: Muadzin on June 27, 2016, 12:57:50 PM
Quote from: Cortexturizer on June 27, 2016, 12:16:29 PM

Devastating read.

Politicians to show a cool level head and real leadership? Why not ask for end to world hunger and for world peace as well? The whole reason we had to go through this referendum (or any other for that matter) is because politicians lacked the balls to do what they were elected to do and instead passed the buck on to the electorate. Made worse because there are a bunch of political arsonists running amok. Sadly enough here on the continent as well.

As usual we are failing to head the lessons of the past. Like the former Yugoslavia, where political opportunists were also way too willing to throw a burning torch into the political powderkeg for their own lust for power and where the former parts are nowadays nowhere near what they could have been as a whole.

They're all doing a runner, but it's ok, they all have their off-shore tax-free savings to rely on.

It's a fucking bloodbath.

It was all points scoring and political manoeuvring. The 'winners', now suddenly surprised they've won and within days been shown that they made up most of the reasons people voted out for. They look like rabbits caught in the headlights. Our fearless elected leader, having initiated this process in the first place has decided, fuck this, I'm out and left us in the shit. The opposition party has been decimated. We have no leadership at all right now.

All the while we have an uncertain future, a decision has been made and no-one dares act on it and be known as the person who fucked the EU and divided Great Britain (There will be a Scottish referendum at the very least and it might even kick off things in Northern Ireland once again). Which is Cameron, lets face it. But the coward doesn't have the balls to pull the pin on the grenade he's left in his wake.

We're fucked... ...and they'll have trouble blaming the migrants and the EU from this point forth given that's what both their campaigns were based on. Lies and more lies. Who's going to be the scapegoat now when it all goes to shit after their bluff was not only called, they've been left looking like the cowardly lying manipulative bastards they really are.

America learn from this, pay attention and DO NOT let that psycho Trump in. If you want to see what you'd be letting yourself in for, take a look at Britain. It ain't pretty that's for sure.

FWIW I voted remain for reasons I've said before. However it was put to a vote and the majority who were arsed to vote, voted out. This is the essence of a democracy and I accept that. We just need to get on with it for better or for worse. There has to be consequences or no one learns. I think Britain is pretty fucked for the near future at least, but what's done is done.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on June 27, 2016, 09:12:48 PM

They're all doing a runner, but it's ok, they all have their off-shore tax-free savings to rely on.

It's a fucking bloodbath.

It was all points scoring and political manoeuvring. The 'winners', now suddenly surprised they've won and within days been shown that they made up most of the reasons people voted out for. They look like rabbits caught in the headlights. Our fearless elected leader, having initiated this process in the first place has decided, fuck this, I'm out and left us in the shit. The opposition party has been decimated. We have no leadership at all right now.

All the while we have an uncertain future, a decision has been made and no-one dares act on it and be known as the person who fucked the EU and divided Great Britain (There will be a Scottish referendum at the very least and it might even kick off things in Northern Ireland once again). Which is Cameron, lets face it. But the coward doesn't have the balls to pull the pin on the grenade he's left in his wake.

We're fucked... ...and they'll have trouble blaming the migrants and the EU from this point forth given that's what both their campaigns were based on. Lies and more lies. Who's going to be the scapegoat now when it all goes to shit after their bluff was not only called, they've been left looking like the cowardly lying manipulative bastards they really are.

America learn from this, pay attention and DO NOT let that psycho Trump in. If you want to see what you'd be letting yourself in for, take a look at Britain. It ain't pretty that's for sure.

FWIW I voted remain for reasons I've said before. However it was put to a vote and the majority who were arsed to vote, voted out. This is the essence of a democracy and I accept that. We just need to get on with it for better or for worse. There has to be consequences or no one learns. I think Britain is pretty fucked for the near future at least, but what's done is done.

I agree with every single word of this I just want the whole thing to be over.  England is not a very nice to place to be right now.  My wife was asked yesterday where she was from because 'she looks foreign'!  I mean WTF!  She's lived in the UK for 11 years now and we've never had any trouble until now the whole thing has brought all the crazy bastards out of the woodwork. 


Hopefully we won't have to worry much about Trump. He's really his own worst enemy at this point. Every time he opens his mouth he just gets himself in more trouble. He has shown recently that he is completely out of his depth trying to ruin a political campaign. All the polling shows him losing to Clinton. To top everything off most of the party officials say they support him, but are very uncomfortable with a lot of what he says.

That's not to say he has no support, but it's going to be very difficult for him to find much new support if he doesn't change his tone quiet a bit. Basically he'd have to stop acting at all like Donald Trump, and I don't think that's possible for him. There are several Republican senators who are very openly against him. I doubt anyone with any credibility will run as his vice presidential candidate.

I think the Republican party leadership is silently waiting for him to loose so they can try top pick up the pieces as best they can. The Republican party was already in rough shape and this just makes it look worse. I'm pretty sure that Trump winning, while it would be bad news all around, would be a disaster for the Republican party that would take decades to recover from. And I'm pretty sure the party leadership knows it.


From what I've heard, people voting for either Trump or Clinton, are chiefly voting to stop the other candidate, not because they LIKE Trump or Clinton.

In their position, I'd vote for the USAian equivalent of the Monster Raging Loony Party.
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- Terry Pratchett
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There are plenty of people that like Clinton just fine. Just doesn't make a good headline, "people think candidate is pretty solid" doesn't make good copy.


Quote from: Adam_MD on June 27, 2016, 10:20:50 PMI agree with every single word of this I just want the whole thing to be over.  England is not a very nice to place to be right now.  My wife was asked yesterday where she was from because 'she looks foreign'!  I mean WTF!  She's lived in the UK for 11 years now and we've never had any trouble until now the whole thing has brought all the crazy bastards out of the woodwork.

This is probably the most insidious part of the whole affair. Every country has bigoted, narrow-minded fools in it. Ours have just been empowered into thinking that they're now the majority. I'm not particularly proud to be British right now.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: Matmosphere on June 27, 2016, 11:42:29 PMAll the polling shows him losing to Clinton.

All our polls said we'd remain in the UK. Polls are just a prediction and can lead to complacency.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I'm also now surprised there is no serious talk of a "do-over" vote. I would have thought cooler heads would have come to the front by  now and made the case for rethinking the vote.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
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