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Price of the Pt2399's (fake?)

Started by chromesphere, May 26, 2016, 02:41:34 AM

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Thanks guys.  Probably wont have a chance to order in a few weeks, I've got loads of stuff to pay for at the moment, stock is getting low, but will order as soon as I catch up.

At this point i'm not keen on a preorder either.  Im a little scared of preorders after XVIVE mn3005's....that was a killer....
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I would certainly be willing to pre-pay. I done it for several boards and would have no problem doing it for this. I can also understand your hesitation after the Xvive deal.


I know I'm late to this party but I'd definitively be in for 10 Paul. Got a few delay/reverb builds still in my build queue.

Sent from my SM-G530T1 using Tapatalk


I would pre-pay as well.  I have used up all of my good Small Bear 2399's and am finally seeing the same issues on the spotty Tayda 2399's.  My recently finished Sagan Delay is jonesing for some quality ICs!


Id prepay for 2 lots, if it would help


Hi guys,
I knew the pt2399's were causing troubles but it would appear more then I had anticipated.  No need for the prepay, I would rather risk my own when it comes to $$.  I'm currently in discussions with PTC to organise this to happen.  Will update this thread as we go (including a final price for the chips).
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