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Thoughts on vacationing in Canada

Started by matmosphere, May 19, 2016, 03:18:17 AM

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My wife and I are thinking about taking a trip to Canada. I know there are more than a few guys on here from Canada so i figured I'd see what you guys recommend doing our setting in Vancouver and Montreal. We're going back and forth between the two. Both look like they'd be amazing but seems like Vancouver might have a little more going on.


I tried to sell the wife on Resolute, Nunavut ... she wasn't buying
once upon a time I was Tornado Alley FX


They're two very different cities, so it depends on what you want to get out of it.  Montreal is what I would call a "European Lite" experience.  Old town Montreal is very European-esque, with the cathedrals and such.  It also has quite an active night life scene, great food choices, decent shopping, access to the St. Lawrence.  It's not too densely populated, and the French language thing usually isn't a problem.  Rue St. Catharines is an experience to itself, though if you're bringing the SO, there are parts of it that are best avoided, unless she's into that kind of thing.

Vancouver is much more "modern-esque", massive amount of food choices, easy access to Vancouver Island, the Queen Charlottes (or whatever they're called now), Whistler, etc.  It's heavily populated.  Night life there is also great.

I personally like Montreal more than Vancouver, but I've also spent a lot more time in Montreal than in Vancouver.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


I'm from Vancouver and have never been to Montreal, but I think the general idea is that Montreal has culture and Vancouver has nature.  In my experience, people mostly come to Vancouver for hiking, skiing, boating, etc.

On the culture side, it should be noted that Vancouver has really exceptional Asian food.  Loads of craft breweries starting up around here too.


If you do plan to go to Vancouver, plan also to spend some time in Victoria, a short Ferry ride away. Located on Vancouver Island, Victoria is the capital of BC, and my favourite city in Canada. I've lived in more places than the average Canadian, and I would take Victoria over anywhere else in a heartbeat.

Also, if you have to pick one, and not the other, I'd pick Vancouver if only because it's in the west.

Montreal is a wonderful, historical city, and although you might think you need to speak french, you will not need to know french to enjoy your time there.

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Thanks all, we decided on Montreal. Your comments have all been very helpful. Ultimately it came down to Vancouver just being a lot further from us. With less than a week to work with having over 12 hours of travel on either end would make everything less relaxing.

We'll definitely try Vancouver out in a few years though. We were really leaning that route but the flights are what got us in the end.

The wife speaks French very well so I have no concerns their.

We're leaving the kids with the grandparents for this one which is pretty exciting.


both are fun cities, as mentioned above, montreal has a euro-vibe to it while vancouver has the modern west-coast feel. you'll likely have a great time either way.

you should have come up a couple months ago when the dollar was really low... you'll still get a good deal though.


So we'll be there in about a month and we're starting to plan things to do. Any recommendations for things to see or places to eat? More importantly, the good shops to look at guitars or places to catch live music? Anyone know what kind of music scene the city has? I know their is a big jazz festival going on at the time, but thats not my wife's thing, but I'm hoping to still see some music while we're there.

We're not planning on renting a car, but it looks like the metro system is pretty decent so hopefully we can rely on that.


Steve's Music is decent, typical Gibson/Fender/Ibanez type store.

There used to be a really excellent boutique place that had Tylers, PRSs, Knaggs, Reverend, etc, but I think they've gone out of business.

Moog Audio is a good place for pedals.

Typically if I'm in Montreal I drive to Ottawa, I've found their Long and McQuades to be some of the better ones in the country.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Quote from: Matmosphere on May 31, 2016, 01:19:56 PM
So we'll be there in about a month and we're starting to plan things to do. Any recommendations for things to see or places to eat? More importantly, the good shops to look at guitars or places to catch live music? Anyone know what kind of music scene the city has? I know their is a big jazz festival going on at the time, but thats not my wife's thing, but I'm hoping to still see some music while we're there.

We're not planning on renting a car, but it looks like the metro system is pretty decent so hopefully we can rely on that.

My wife and I are also going to Montreal later in July and we've looked into biking around town. Everything we've read so far leads us to think it's a fun option for transport if you're into it, and a great way to experience the city.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Quote from: GermanCdn on May 31, 2016, 02:25:00 PM
Moog Audio is a good place for pedals.

WAH, this makes me very happy, and gives my wife an excuse to go to yarn stores.

I keep wanting to go to Asheville and beg somebody at the Moog place to give me a tour.


If you go to either Moog places, take some nice photographs for us :) especially if they have their modular setup!
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A couple stellar stringmen on this double bill during the jazz festival & not jazz.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Well that is a nice coincidence!

The little red arrow is of course the place we are staying for the week.

"Sorry honey but I have to go play with the synths for a bit"


Dont forget Schwartz`s Deli less than one block up the street from Moog Audio for a smoked meat sandwich.