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100kC Dual Gang Pots

Started by irmcdermott, July 20, 2011, 04:58:22 PM

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Quote from: irmcdermott on July 27, 2011, 01:53:45 PM
Thanks, my question was about Brian saying not to connect lugs 2 & 3 together like the wiring diagram shows if I us the B250K with the 330k resistor. So that would mean (at least in my head) that one of the lugs wouldn't be connected to anything

I'm thinking you do not jump/wire lug 1 to lug 2 as doing so would essentially also jump everything to lug 3 (and each other) via the 330K resistors resulting in a fixed resistor instead of a pot. So just ignore lug 1 on each gang and wire 2 & 3 as per the build doc (I am SO assuming this is about a QuadVibe!).
[nothing to see here]


thanks. you are correct. this is for my quadrovibe build.... waiting on a shipment from Tayda before I can finish... can't wait!


And happy 500th post, Ian!
[nothing to see here]



Ian- I'll be curious to see if that is the right way to wire it, and  also if you think the 330K resistors were effective so I hope you'll post again on the subject.   Who knows when those 100kc dual gangs will be back in stock.
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Quote from: Haberdasher on July 27, 2011, 11:42:31 PM
Ian- I'll be curious to see if that is the right way to wire it, and  also if you think the 330K resistors were effective so I hope you'll post again on the subject.   Who knows when those 100kc dual gangs will be back in stock.

I breadboarded the circuit last night and with the exception of a crazy loud pop on the toggle switch I have to troubleshoot, the circuit works great.

I still don't want to box it until I've gotten my hands on a dual C100K pot. I did the B250K with the 330k resistor across lugs 1 & 3 and I'm getting about 150k resistance with the pot fully clockwise.

It still seems that the first 1/2 or more of the pot is useless, but I have nothing to compare it to. I'm still tweaking the trims as well, haven't gotten them dialed in just yet. We will see. Wiring up the pot like that definitely works fine, I just wonder if the speed control would benefit more from having the C-taper pot in there.


I just heard back from smallbear and they said they are expecting a new shipment of  dual gang 100kC pots around august 15. After they inspect them, they'll be ready in the stock list. Then we can all build our Q vibes!


Quote from: Jamiroking on August 02, 2011, 04:49:13 PM
I just heard back from smallbear and they said they are expecting a new shipment of  dual gang 100kC pots around august 15. After they inspect them, they'll be read in the stock list. Then we can all build our Q vibes!

That is beautiful news! Thanks!


Thats good to know thanks.  Ill wait to order the rest of my supplies until then.




My smallbear order shipped 4 days ago and I just now get an email saying that it does NOT include the dual gang 100kC which was the whole reason for the order and that they are now backordered until october.....

...this sucks


Quote from: Jamiroking on August 12, 2011, 10:44:00 PM

My smallbear order shipped 4 days ago and I just now get an email saying that it does NOT include the dual gang 100kC which was the whole reason for the order and that they are now backordered until october.....

...this sucks
Exactly the same story. I figured I may as well not order 1 pot, dangit.


I ordered a pair here and it only took about 7 days to get them to Arizona.  They aren't solder lugs but they are 16mm Alpha dual 100kC pots. ( I now have an extra too!)

Finished rocking the Quad Friday... boxing time.


Quote from: Smeero on August 15, 2011, 02:17:26 PM
I ordered a pair here and it only took about 7 days to get them to Arizona.  They aren't solder lugs but they are 16mm Alpha dual 100kC pots. ( I now have an extra too!)

Finished rocking the Quad Friday... boxing time.

Thank you for the link! Ordering a few now.