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Nameless -- Action Pot

Started by Droogie, April 30, 2016, 06:52:15 PM

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So I fired up this bad boy, and set the trims in accordance with the instructions. So far, so good (I think). But when playing through the circuit, the input signal seems to not trigger the time-based effects, and the action pot, which sets the level of the delay signal, doesn't do anything. I get oscillation from the reaction pot in the expected ranges.

All other controls function as one would expect, and the Space yields great sounding tremolo. I tried swapping out the 3102 and 3207 chips with no difference.

I'm looking at the components around the Action pot: R32–39; C15–19; Q6–8. But since there isn't a photo of the bare board in the build doc, I can't see the part numbers under the populated components. Can anyone post a pic of either the bare board so I can check my values or of a completed board to compare?

Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


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Awesome, thanks! Seems like I'll get this sorted as it's mostly working.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


So after painstakingly checking all my values twice over it hit me: I swapped two wires on the time stomp! I even color coded them so I wouldn't do something like that! Now sorted, this thing is freaking killer!!! Hopefully I can box it this weekend. Alan, thanks for doing this project—I am in awe of how you put this together—just amazing!!!!
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric