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Floppy Disk Delay

Started by Tremster, April 26, 2016, 08:15:31 AM

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Just saw this, you might find it interesting:
These guys ( made a delay pedal that uses a real 3.5" floppy disk. VERY pricey.


Looks like someone finally put this into practical use :-) :


I looked into this a long time ago but didn't have the chops to pull it off. Still don't.  ;D

Very impressive project.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects



Ugh.. It's cool as f__k only because it's completely unnecessary. It's clever and obscure, there's no doubt about that.

But for real... if you're going to market with a low-fidelity floppy disk delay that goes for €1,999.00 (!!!!!) at LEAST make a decent demo for it. That was pretty bad. It was really bad, actually. I'm positive I could give my grandmother a pt2399 and a random handful of passive and she could literally *throw* them at a breadboard and come up with something similar sounding. Blindfolded.

Still, I want one because lasagna. That's all I got.


They claim it's limited to 30 pieces. What will really happen: They sell one. Someone, somewhere, will buy that one just to say they did.

If I were going to do something like this, I wouldn't even buy more floppy drives after the first; I'd just claim that it was limited to some random number, then charge as much as I thought I could get away with for the prototype and use the flabbergastation for free publicity.


Quote from: midwayfair on April 26, 2016, 05:35:02 PM
They claim it's limited to 30 pieces. What will really happen: They sell one. Someone, somewhere, will buy that one just to say they did.

If I were going to do something like this, I wouldn't even buy more floppy drives after the first; I'd just claim that it was limited to some random number, then charge as much as I thought I could get away with for the prototype and use the flabbergastation for free publicity.

Agree. Though I'd say selling even one at that price is a 50/50.
This isn't a real product. It's more like some kind of functional art project and they know that.

You could almost buy three of these for that money:
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Quote from: jubal81 on April 26, 2016, 05:43:12 PM
You could almost buy three of these for that money:

Yeah, but floppy disk!!  8) ;D
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


I have a HUGE stock pile of 3.5" floppies lol My Akai MPC 2000 sampler uses them. Not to mention the 4 or 6 floppy drives I keep around as a "just in case" I need to replace the one in my sampler.

Stuff like this is so funny to watch. It will either go 2 ways.
1. The elite few will buy it to be part of this "cool project" and say they have one. They will be called cool/stupid depending on what forum then are on.
2. Nerds will unite and make one for $45 worth of parts and they will be called cool/stupid depending on what forum then are on.

All kidding aside, it is a cool project and there seems to be more creative stuff coming out lately.

This being one also. I have seen it on Instagram a lot lately.



I've seen a few cassette tape delays but that one looks too small to be real.

The floppy disk thing is kinda neat I guess, but I don't think it's very exciting.

That huge replicator pedal could be cool.. if it cost a third of what it does. The guys at my local shop said it sounds alright but that you could buy a real vintage tape delay for the same price and it would sound better.


Quote from: Matmosphere on April 26, 2016, 07:08:15 PM
I've seen a few cassette tape delays but that one looks too small to be real.

The floppy disk thing is kinda neat I guess, but I don't think it's very exciting.

That huge replicator pedal could be cool.. if it cost a third of what it does. The guys at my local shop said it sounds alright but that you could buy a real vintage tape delay for the same price and it would sound better.

The tape pedal is actually not a delay. The large knob actually controls the tape feed spool.

Edit: found the link to it


Quote from: selfdestroyer on April 26, 2016, 07:11:12 PM
The tape pedal is actually not a delay. The large knob actually controls the tape feed spool.

Edit: found the link to it

Okay, that little thing is pretty cool.


I wonder how many times you could accidentally drop it or have it bump around at a gig before the drive is damaged though?
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Quote from: drolo on April 26, 2016, 08:34:02 AM
Looks like someone finally put this into practical use :-) :

Not nearly as interesting as Jeri Ellsworth's take on the floppy as a delay!


He's left handed - seems suspicious
I thought this would save me money.


Quote from: Matmosphere on April 26, 2016, 07:08:15 PM
That huge replicator pedal could be cool.. if it cost a third of what it does.

What's your justification for the Replicator being priced $300 at retail? Just wishful thinking?

Les Pauls would be a whole lot more affordable if they were a whole lot more affordable.  ;D
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects