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Prince died... that sucks

Started by dan.schumaker, April 21, 2016, 06:02:40 PM

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..from the flu ?? :(

What I always loved about this clip is the look on Harrison's son's face while Prince is ripping and the magically disappearing guitar right at the end.


Heard the news after work. So sad.

He was not even that old.

I know the word gets bandied about a lot, but he was a musical genius.

No doubt about it.


That's a great video. Now I want to find that pick guard material for the guitar build I'm working on.


I have to admit that I just realized rather recently that Prince is an awesome guitarist. It sucks even more now to know he's gone.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Im a bit shell shocked by the news. Really sad


Yeah. This was one of those things that just wasn't supposed to happen. He was too "larger than life". Sad day.


His 80's albums were stuffed with awesome ideas and sounds.
This one is more personal than the other deaths this year. 
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman

Mojo Fandangle

Quote from: drolo on April 21, 2016, 07:52:12 PM
..from the flu ?? :(

What I always loved about this clip is the look on Harrison's son's face while Prince is ripping and the magically disappearing guitar right at the end.

Yeah I remember watching the end of the video and wondering the same thing. Such a good solo though.

Prince was the first concert I ever went to (with my mum). Diamonds and Pearls tour. It was awesome.
"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


Purple Rain was my second LP ("Rumors" was the first). Oh boy do I remember loving that record from the moment I heard it. I was maybe 12 or 13 ATT. What a body of work to leave to the world :)


Kind of like Bowie, Prince was one of those people that never stopped creating.  It's a shame he died so young.
Function f(x)
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Phenonminal guitarist and writer.  Those of you who read these posts and have never listened to his music are missing out. Not a big fan of some of the sexually suggestive songs, i.e., Erotic City, but even that one has great music. The intro to When Doves Cry keeps going over and over in my head.  What a great artist and I as said in the other Prince thread he could flat burn a guitar up with his playing skills.

Wow I posted the above before watching the linked video.  I'm surprised the guitar didn't just blow up and start on fire.  One of the best solos I've seen in many years.


Nobody will ever be able to convince me that Prince's guitar isn't still hovering in the air above that stage.


Prince vs. Michael Jackson in the 80's was kinda like the Beatles vs. the Rolling Stones in the 60's. You had to a pick a side. Also battle of the eccentrics as they both developed weird kinks over time. Although MJ won that particular battle, making Prince look normal by comparison. Musically his music wasn't my cup of tea, but he was an awesome performer, creative talent with a talent for spotting other people's talent as well, and a very, very good guitarist.

tone seeker

 Very shocking. We just lost Bowie! What the hell!

Just think of all the unfinished projects, and unreleased material in that studio. Even if we could hear it, it would not
be the same, without his final touch.

A true Icon!