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Ping reverb "tails" mod idea?

Started by Drew Hallenbeck, April 19, 2016, 06:32:42 PM

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Drew Hallenbeck

Has anyone here thought the same thing I have?
"Sure would be nice to have a 'tails' bypass option on this one"
Has anyone (a little more experienced in circuit design) looked at the schematic to see if it might be possible?
Could you just ground the input of the brick when bypassed and let the dry signal (and decaying reverb) pass through the output of the board?
I'm planning on building this one pretty soon and just wondered if anyone might have some suggestions. I don't mind not having "true bypass" when it comes to my reverb. It sounds so much nicer when the verb decays away naturally instead of just dropping off suddenly.
I have a Moodring that I wired with this option and I absolutely love it.
Building with my daughter and occasionally selling as "Daddy Daughter Pedal Works"
Not for any real profit, just trying to have a self-funding hobby.