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Maze : Liquid Mercury Phaser & more

Started by twin, April 05, 2016, 05:48:22 PM

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This is my version of Drolo's Mercury Phaser : The Maze (treMolo + phAZE, so many options it's easy to be lost :) )
It's basically the Liquid Mercury (sounds fantastic!) with the Electric Druid optical tremolo circuit in series. Both are controlled by the tap tempo and the same LFO circuit. I expanded the waveforms option to the eight ones available from the chip.
I also added a VC output to control external pedals with the LFO (my EHX Ring Thing or my homemade meatball). It works like a charm and allow to achieve really weird synth sounds! 8) Thanks to David for this awesome circuit!
Here's the picture of the controls and artwork. I had some difficulties with etching but it finally looks OK for me...


Looks awesome! Any chance of a gut shot or a demo?


Thank you!
Here's a first sonic exploration.
Classic phaser sounds > vibrato > tremolo > messing with VC output and other boxes (ring thing, meatsphere, madbean lowrider, fuzzfactory)
Nothing really musical in there, it's just a few bits of available textures.



Pretty cool idea, would love to see the guts as well  :D
Reminds me that I really should find some spot in my pedals to hack a CV output in there.
Did you filter the output of the Taplfo for the external CV out?


Here they are.
For the CV out I just insert a switching jack before the tap LED.
Tap LED is off on the pedal when a jack is plugged on the CV output.
Should I filter this output?


Quote from: twin on April 06, 2016, 12:12:23 PM
Should I filter this output?
Only you can tell :-)
As it is a PWM signal running at around 20kHz if I remember correctly, it can produce some artifacts when controlling certain devices as it is not a smooth signal but a series of rapid pulses.
I seem to remember having tried this on my RingThing at some point and it produced some "interesting" zippy effects.

But it might not be noticeable with certain devices, depending on what the CV is controlling and how it is controlling
or it might even be what you are looking for :-) whatever works

In the TAPLFO datasheet Tom posted a schematic for a filtered output of the signal with op-amps but it's laid out for bipolar supply. You would have to convert that to single supply or use some similar filtering approach. I have read of people using a simple passive LPF network and were happy with that.

Nicely executed build in any case


It works like expected with my Meatsphere (optical circuit) and with the ring thing with no artefact so I won't go any further.

Thank You  :)



That sounds and looks fantastic! I'm waiting on some parts before I can start my liquid mercury and twin peaks. I'm excited to add tempo sync's to them, but I plan on utilizing the chip's sync pin to do it instead. While its more limited in what it can control, it is a lot easier.
"you truly are a transistor tickler, what with the application of germanium ointment to sensitive fuzzy areas. :)" - playpunk



Dude this box looks awesome!! I love the textures on the enclosure



nice! I like the 'maze' lettering :]


Thank you everybody for your comments, I'm glad you like it!