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Kingslayer Hard Clipping Volume

Started by cbc526, March 29, 2016, 05:44:49 PM

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Hey guys, I have built a kingslayer circuit a couple of years ago and I included the OD switch to switch between Hard Clipper and Soft Clippers.  I have noticed over the years that when I engage the hard clipping section, the volume boost is just a tad bit too much, is there a way I could slightly attenuate the volume when I engage the hard clipping section, My thought would be to add a resistor in with the switch that selects the hard clipping diodes but I'm not entirely happy with the results, is there any other way of doing this?



The volume goes up when you DISENGAGE the switch. It's because the diodes that clip the signal to +-0.35V are removed -- and you're left with a +-9V signal instead. This isn't a small change. There is no way to compensate for this without radically altering the design, making cuts on the PCB, etc. Just change the volume pot position -- that's what it's for.