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Help Wiring up a Mysterioso Sr.

Started by standingzero, March 27, 2016, 07:47:53 AM

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Hey fellas,
First time posting on this forum. I dabbled in building for a few years and took a break for grad work, now that's finished so I can resume :)

I have the discontinued Mysterioso Sr. and can't figure out how to wire in the Power Supply jack.

According to the wiring diagram the center lugs of  SW1 and SW2 connects to 9V and GND of the board respectively. Does this mean I'll also wire the 9V and GND from the Power Jack to center lugs of the switches as well? I can't seem to find a space on the board for the power jack to be wired to.

Also, it looks like there's a discrepancy with S1C3 and SWC1. If you follow the diagram what is noted as SW1C1 on the switch seems to connect to what is labelled as S1C3 on the CB. Should I stick with the diagram or the code?



Mich P

There is a mistake on the output switch
Flip C2/C3 and it's good to go.
Mich P.


Quote from: Mich P on March 30, 2016, 06:51:42 AM
There is a mistake on the output switch
Flip C2/C3 and it's good to go.
Mich P.

Thanks Mitch! Just for clarification do you mean switching C2 and C3 on 
SW2?  What about the issue with C1 and C3 on SW3. I'm not sure if I need to follow the visual diagram or the name assigned to the solder pads.

Thanks again!

Also, any advice on

Mich P

Switch C2 with C3.
Have a look here on Freestompboxes .org
there is 21 developpment pages back to 2009 !
I'm sure you will answers to yours questions here
Have fun,
Mich P.


That was super helpful! The pedal works on the circuit tester now! Just need to box it up for a final test.

Also, am I correct in reading the schematic and wiring diagam R1 and R11 as CLRs for the bicolor LED? I want to adjust the brightness. That's what it looks like to me, but my scheme reading skills are a bit low.

Thanks for the help Mich, greatly appreciated!

Mich P

Hi Standingzero,
I wasn't happy with the bicolore led
so i changed for two leds (one per chanel)
and it's, to me, definitly better.
Mich P.


Sweet man, my enclosure is already designed for 1 LED. I'll play with those values.

Your help has been invaluable.