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Wow, some people really don't like Pedals.

Started by Mojo Fandangle, March 22, 2016, 05:52:12 AM

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Mojo Fandangle

Has anybody out there ever had weird vibes from pedal haters in the music scene?
It's never been my experience before recently. But wow, some people really don't like guitar pedals.

I went to see a friends band play last week. It was a punk gig. The subject of guitar pedals came up, (not instigated by me), and a couple of people chimed in with their 2 cents worth of pedals are a wank cliche's.

My friend then kindly pointed out that I made pedals, which was followed by a pedal board tap dancing joke and comments about how you don't need pedals if you can play well, etcetera, etcetera.

I kept my mouth shut and laughed it off.

Later on, the last band were setting up. Another freind was in the band. They were a 2 piece, and he had a sweet looking mint condition Super Fuzz pedal hooked up to a bass and guitar amp.

A couple of people from the previous bands were writing off my friend for his 2 amp set up, fancy fuzz pedal, and how 2 piece bands were a 'Hipster' thing.

Again I kept my mouth shut, but by that point I was wondering why do I bother going to my punk friends gigs?
So many haters, hating on each others bands, music, gear, whatever, and so many posers that I felt like I'd forgotten to get dressed up for a costume party.

But the worst thing was, I'm there to support friends band who plays music I otherwise wouldn't listen to.
I'm politely pretending I like the music, and being written off by them just because I like and make pedals.

I don't like to stereotype, but it seems to be a vibe you only hear from metal and punk scenes.
My rock band and accoustic music freinds are supportive and interested, or at least polite about what I do.

Has anybody else had similar 'hipster' hater vibes for being into guitar pedals?
"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


The worst you get in the rock scene is the occasional gentle ribbing from AC/DC fans. Everyone I've met at gearfests were always quite admiring of my DIY jobbies. (One delay fan especially raved about the Multiplex, and how it was one of the best sounding tape-y delays he'd heard.)

Next time you see them, point out that one of the virtuoso performers of the past didn't even like ELECTRIC guitar, let alone pedals! (Segovia, specifically.)

Is there any truth to an old story I heard that Johnny Cash threaded an American money note through his guitar strings to get a certain sound? If so, ask them if that is black heresy too :)

Or taking razor blades to your speaker cones.

Actually, now that I think about it, the attitude from the punks is starting to remind me about a recent thread that mentioned how reactionary and conservative some flamenco players were.
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Mojo Fandangle

Quote from: alanp on March 22, 2016, 08:05:34 AM
The worst you get in the rock scene is the occasional gentle ribbing from AC/DC fans. Everyone I've met at gearfests were always quite admiring of my DIY jobbies. (One delay fan especially raved about the Multiplex, and how it was one of the best sounding tape-y delays he'd heard.)

Actually, now that I think about it, the attitude from the punks is starting to remind me about a recent thread that mentioned how reactionary and conservative some flamenco players were.

Yeah I've seen your work Alan and it is impressively techy and complicated. It's amazing that you even fit it all in let alone get them working.

And yeah it's funny that Flamenco 'Jazz' or Punk musicians, who see themselves as progressive or non conformist, can be so stunted by tradition.
"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


There's usually no mind more closed off then the one that thinks of itself as progressive or non conformist. If you think you know the truth it doesn't tend to make you very open minded to hear the view points of those who think differently. It's also freaking hilarious to hear punk musicians talk about playing instruments very well. Isn't the very epitome of punk rock the idea that you don't need to play your instrument very well?


I like how they are pigeon holing what punk is. I think it makes them sound like fools. Punk started out as being about individuality, about things not having to be done specific ways. There is some really fantastic punk, but I just can't get into a lot of it.


It seems like some folks put everything down that's not what they perceive themselves to be because it makes them feel superior.  Probably not worth stressing over.
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Quote from: pickdropper on March 22, 2016, 12:31:58 PM
It seems like some folks put everything down that's not what they perceive themselves to be because it makes them feel superior.  Probably not worth stressing over.

Yeah! Down with the haters! ;)
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I've certainly gone through many different phases in my ideas about gear. Most of them based on ignorance. They probably don't understand what happens in those magic boxes they plug into. They should really go punk and remove the gain stages and eq circuits in their amps, since that is essentially what most common pedals are doing.


Generally people fear and hate on what they do not understand. There is a deeper more rooted cause if you want to delve in to it. Generally I've found that people that can't afford off the shelf pedals will diss them, because they can't afford them. When you get in to a group of like minded individuals, it feeds the monster. I constantly tell my youngest  son that just because you don't have or come from money, you don't have to act like it, your just every bit as good as those people. You don't need pedals, but it opens up an new world of creativity if you have access to them. Just my two ohms.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I've found myself being that guy when I go to shows ... you get that ear where you're used to hearing analog effects through quality tube amps and to hear some guy plug in the multi-fx unit into his solid state amp (added to some drinking) and I'll slip up and hate for no good reason. I know my truth.
once upon a time I was Tornado Alley FX


I have to say, I've had the opposite.  I've been at parties before where friends are talking and they will mention to someone I haven't meet before "Paul makes Pedals".  And then the questions start...They are enthusiastic to learn more, but i just want to chat and let my hair (or lack of) down.
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I think Jimilee might be on to something. Never thought to much about "I can't afford it, so I will hate it" theory but I think it has merit. I really don't understand why some people are so critical of pedal users. I believe they bring a great deal of musical initiative and creativity into your playing.  If you actually think about the time you spend getting everything set up to make that "sweet sound" it adds up. It's not just throwing a couple of pedals on a board and stomping them. It's really an art to get them to sound right IMO. 


A lot of musicians I know have very rigid ideas about how things should be done or what sounds good. I think things are dismissed by a lot of people not because of  quality, but because so many people think that if it doesn't sound like the music they already love then it automatically has no merit. I know I've been guilty of this myself.

I know a few guys that are downright wizards with pedals. Likewise there are plenty of guys that just don't need or want them for what they do. It's all just about picking your tools and learning how to use them to make what you want.


To me its all about self expression. If you suck and like it who cares? If your awesome and you like it and others dont, who cares? Everyone has there own opinions and thats fine but all that really matters is what you think. I love building pedals and using them and could care less what anyone thinks. To me use whatever pedals you want in tandom to get your sound go for it. 

I will say the only thing that irks me is the damn people who say they can hear a diff using an energizer or a copper top. If you say can here that I'm calling bullsh@&. Either I'm a deaf idiot (maybe?) or I just need to quit, lol. 


Wait, you went to a punk gig and they said, "you don't need pedals if you can play well".
Since when was the prime focus of punk music playing well? Maybe they should switch to progressive jazz.