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MXR Carbon Copy

Started by mbass, March 21, 2016, 01:44:43 PM

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I've had a colleague ask me about making a copy of an MXR Carbon Copy Delay.  After doing some research, I've found that the old Sea Urchin board from MB may be my best shot.  However, I'm sure there are other people out there that know FAR more than I do about this subject.  Any suggestions out there for close copies of the Carbon Copy?


It's not analog, so the sea urchin will be good, just be very picky with the pt2399 and try to find one with the least amount of noise.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Sea Urchin isn't remotely the same pedal as the CC.

If you're friend is looking for the original BIG BOX carbon copy, the big green one from the late 70s with the chord attached, you are probably boned: It used a SAD delay chip, which is incredibly expensive, sometimes over $100 per chip, and then you'll need to make a layout to use the chip. It's almost cheaper to find a working original unit.

If you're looking for the later units, you probably can't build him a copy of it cheaper and smaller than the real thing. If you've never made a bucket brigade delay, it's a serious challenge. (In fact, it's my achilles heel among pedals.)

The Sea Urchin, which is the Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay, which is essentially the PT2399's datasheet circuit, uses a PT2399 chip, which is completely different technology. The Sea Urchin has no modulation, which is on the modern carbon copy. The filtering is vastly different.

Here's the CC's schematic. You can side-by-side it with the Sea Urchin and see how much more involved it is.


Wow! I knew the CC used a different chip, but I never realized it was that rare. Honestly, I'm not sure this guy is too terribly particular, but rather, just knows that the CC is a good pedal. Thanks for all of the help from both of you!

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I've got a CCD and have built the sea urchin and they definitely sound different to each other. The CCD has a harder edge to it while the SU swirls around nicely in the background. Both excellent pedals. I have both on my main pedal board, using the CCD as a slap back and the SU for longer more atmospheric delay.

John S

I've built a deep blue delay for a couple people who wanted a carbon copy- like delay and they absolutely loved it.
Schenkenstein custom effects. Check out the page on Facebook.


If you're looking for something with modulation there are a ton of options.

music PCB - Echo Base (PT2399)
Madbeans - Dirt Baby (PT2399)
GCFX - Deprofundis delay (PT2399 no modulation but like the DBD only better)

I personally don't care for modulation so for a straight forward delay that might get you close to a CCD

Jon's (midwayfair) - Hamlet Delay
Madbeans - Cave Dweller (repeats are nice and dark like a DM2)
Madbeans - Zero point (which is now the deathclaw I believe)

What everyone has said is pretty accurate. None of the delays I recommended will sound like the CCD. I would say watch some youtube demos and see what you think best fits his needs. Or even have him watch the demos and see what he likes more. FWIW My Hamlet and Cave dweller will never leave my board.  :)


IMHO, you're probably going to get closest to the CC with a Multiplex Jr from Josh (1776 Effects).  I haven't played my CC in a couple of years, but I did a shootout video on youtube between a MP Jr and a SD Vapor Trail (which I like more than my CC, hence why it gathers dust).  Not the same, but not that far off, and not a hard build, with the only real expensive components being the Vactrols.

The Echo Base is a great pedal, but takes up a lot more real estate than the CC or the MPJ.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.