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Fuzzes and mixers and buffers and stuff

Started by mcasemo, March 01, 2016, 07:56:51 PM

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Looking for some guidance on the mini mixer (ggg, rg keen) and using with 4 fuzzes in parallel.  Wanted to have a 4 in 1 fuzz pedal where all run to a mixer in parallel.  Also, my schematic has it where you can stack two together, but we can ignore that part of it and assume all run into the mixer's 4 channels.  This may be pretty useless, but thought it might be fun to experiment. 

One question, could each of the volume knobs on each of the fuzzes (currently a fuzzrite, wem pep box rush, os mutantes, and jordan bosstone) serve as the mixer input controls? 

Next question, would anyone expect tone loss without the use of buffers after the fuzzes?  I've read straight guitar signals into mixers can have issue, just not smart enough about these transistor fuzzes and output impedance.

Finally, for a master volume control, could i use the 100k pot on the first stage of the dual op amp, or should it be on the second stage to control gain?

Any advice is appreciated.  I know I can just breadboard this up and test it all, but thought I would pick your brains first. 


Love the idea, Id fancied doing something similar when Id checked out the DE Silver Rose circuit - you could build all four circuits separately and then the mixer and crocodile clip em together, then the worst that happens is you have four fuzzes to box!

My unfounded and possibly wrong opinion would be to run the outputs at full and change R20-23 to pots for some uniformity but thats probably just a different mixer schem Im thinking of.
I sometimes label builds rockwright


Oh, that devi ever pedal looks pretty cool. 

Yes, that is an option to consider, thanks.  I was confusing myself because of wanting to stack two, in pairs, thinking I could not use the buffers.  But following what you are saying, I run the effect full bore into a buffer, then I could switch after the buffer and pot control back into another effect, otherwise have all four buffers the same with volume pots into the mixer. 

Lazy me wants to make the pcb and try it, but that the more expensive risky option i guess.
I'm going to try to lay something out.  Then I could tweak the buffers if the full open effects are different in final volume.