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New Gear Thread

Started by raulduke, February 22, 2016, 12:38:49 PM

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Quote from: jimilee on February 23, 2016, 04:10:41 PM
Well, there's this

So, that's a thing

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One of my coursemates in the master (he is doing part-time) has been designing amps for Blackstar for the last 2 years. Nice guy, I may make a visit to the factory one of these days. He used to be a pedal builder btw.
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Quote from: micromegas on February 24, 2016, 11:39:13 PM
Quote from: jimilee on February 23, 2016, 04:10:41 PM
Well, there's this

So, that's a thing

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One of my coursemates in the master (he is doing part-time) has been designing amps for Blackstar for the last 2 years. Nice guy, I may make a visit to the factory one of these days. He used to be a pedal builder btw.
Wow, that's really cool.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


My TC Electronics Ditto X4 came in today. So excited to get this mounted on my board. I am going to redo my whole board to get the MIDI on the X4 to synch with my Strymon stuff. Gives me an excuses to setup my board again from scratch.

This thing is packed with cool features.



yay!  i had the ditto 2 was quite cool, this looks like fun 8)


You guys actually buy pedals? (said the stingy bastard)
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Quote from: micromegas on February 24, 2016, 11:39:13 PM
One of my coursemates in the master (he is doing part-time) has been designing amps for Blackstar for the last 2 years. Nice guy, I may make a visit to the factory one of these days. He used to be a pedal builder btw.

Welcome back. Nice to see you're already networking your way into the music electronics scene.
And those Blade guitars were always of amazing quality, I wonder why they never got wider recognition.


I've tried a few Blades in the past and they were really nice.

r.e. Ditto X4. I've got an original Ditto. Great pedal (also really handy as a pedal testing device; leave the loop playing while probing).

I would imagine you can do a lot with 4 of the buggars.


Quote from: nzCdog on February 24, 2016, 02:44:55 AM
Quote from: raulduke on February 22, 2016, 12:38:49 PM
I also posted this (Korg SDD1000) before the forum went down, but thought I would show it again.
This thing sounds gorgeous. Really really nice delay. I love the hold feature. Why modern digital delays do not have this I do not know.

I saw your original post, and GAS'd bad for one of these:

It's in the post now.... can't wait till it arrives! Squeeee! :D

Sweet! I wouldn't mind having one myself. The love child of the SDD-3000, with that famous preamp, and the SDD-2000, which didn't have that, but it did have MIDI and presets. In a pedal format!


I bought an electronic drum set about three weeks back and just finished setting it up yesterday :)

I found a nice set and a nice price on CL...but they needed some work...

The kit was sagging and super dirty, but the price was right and the brain had the expansion kit that is no longer it was worth it :)  After several trips to the hardware store (it was missing several nuts and bolts), the stand was then straight, strong and sag-free again:

Then I had to tackle the drums...They came from a church and seem to have had 10yrs worth of dust in them...

While they worked fine, some of the drums had less sensitivity and when cleaning them up I noticed that the trigger cones had seen better days, so I ordered some new ones and replaced them:

After a snare and some cymbal upgrades which the expansion kit on the brain allowed for it is now done and awesome.  All the issues forced me to learn a lot AND I scored on the cymbals because I got four expensive cymbals for the price of one! I scored and got all of the Cy cymbals in a "broken" lot on ebay and only one actually needed anything (the choke repair, which was super easy). The power of DIY :)


I love them and feel like in the future I want to do an acoustic to electronic conversion for fun, based on my new found knowledge :)


Sweet, that's on my long list of things I want when I get a house.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



My brothers got a kit (Roland v drums) and it's great fun.

I can't drum for shite though :)


Quote from: raulduke on March 04, 2016, 11:46:42 PM

My brothers got a kit (Roland v drums) and it's great fun.

I can't drum for shite though :)

Yeah, this is a v-drum kit too! I had a cheapo kit with hard plastic pads a couple years ago. This is soooooooo much nicer. I love it


The drum kit is great, but your practice room is awesome!


"New" gear for me, means picking up a vintage, cheap, possibly (usually) broken, amp on eBay. Guitars too.

This is my latest find. It's a Unicord Power Plus 2 X 12 with horn.
Came with "issues"... all fixed now and sounds pretty good for a germanium solid state amp from the 70's.
Pretty rare judging by how little info is out there. I think they only made these for a couple of years.
Rare does NOT = valuable, but I don't really care about that.

It takes pedals REAL well.  :)  and has a true optical Vibrato circuit.
The pitch warbling sound is most noticeable on low notes and since
I've never played this type of vibrato before, I'm still not sure I like it as compared to a normal Tremolo.
Maybe it'll grow on me.
Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.


Quote from: bcalla on March 05, 2016, 12:37:23 AM
The drum kit is great, but your practice room is awesome!

Thabks man! I got tired of kids messing with knobs and got cabinets big enough to hold everything :)