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Zvex Candela Candle Powered Vibrato

Started by Mojo Fandangle, February 22, 2016, 10:41:38 AM

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Mojo Fandangle

If Thomas Edison was a pedal builder....

"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


now this is all kinds of awesome. not practical, but really cool.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Wow that's some next-level wankery...not to mention it's basically clone of this make project:

It would make for a really cool mantle piece though.


That's pretty sweet looking, and it sounds very nice. I'm surprised they didn't make a foot control for the speed though.

I say they need to find a way to use only 19th century tech. Including acoustic guitar.


One more step towards those caves.  ;D

Wicked cool from a design point though. Steampunk pedals.


Quote from: kgull on February 22, 2016, 12:38:01 PM
Wow that's some next-level wankery...not to mention it's basically clone of this make project:
Heh... Yup. Pretty cool tho

Mojo Fandangle

Quote from: kgull on February 22, 2016, 12:38:01 PM
Wow that's some next-level wankery...not to mention it's basically clone of this make project

Wankery, maybe, but it's impressive wankery.

As for cloning, the magnetic wheel, candle powering, and machinery seperate it from the Make Tremolo Project by miles, and who are we to point the clone finger.
"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


Quote from: Mojo Fandangle on February 24, 2016, 12:24:20 AM
who are we to point the clone finger.
Good point :P

I still say it would make a great little steampunk style mantle piece though. Couldn't imagine trying to actually use the thing. Studio use would be bad enough but live? Fahgettaboudit.

Mojo Fandangle

Quote from: kgull on February 24, 2016, 12:43:10 AM
I still say it would make a great little steampunk style mantle piece though.

Yep, I sure would like to have one sitting on top of my Mini Stack. It sure isn't very practical but it's definately pretty.

I do really like Zackary Vex's stuff so I was probably a bit defensive. His ideas are often simple, but unique.

The Fuzz Factory is my favourite circuit because it has so few parts but sounds huge.
So few parts but so many knobs for tweaking almost every sound that can be tweaked from a Fuzz.

"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


Quote from: Muadzin on February 22, 2016, 02:59:42 PM
One more step towards those caves.  ;D

Wicked cool from a design point though. Steampunk pedals.

That was my first thought as well! Steampunk pedals, now wouldn't that be something. 8)