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Total Recall - Any Successful Builds?

Started by peAk, February 15, 2016, 06:21:46 PM

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Just curious as I am about to start building mine soon.

I have seen a few issues people are having with this build lately and was just curious if anyone (besides Brian) have built one of these with satisfactory results?

A quick searched turned up a lot less builds (none?) than I imagined.


Mine fired right up.  I think that any of the successful builds got wiped out in the crash.

(mine was 4x MN3008's)


Quote from: dan.schumaker on February 15, 2016, 07:30:41 PM
Mine fired right up.  I think that any of the successful builds got wiped out in the crash.

(mine was 4x MN3008's)

Ahh....the crash. Totally forgot about that. Cool, thanks for the info!


People are also more likely to post when they have a problem, as well. Hence the appearance of more non-working builds (goes for any project just about).


Mine works. I havent had a chance to do a build report yet


I was just curious what the deal was with not seeing any build reports for a pedal I would have thought people would have been going crazy building.

I was also concerned with the thought that maybe there was some issues with the release of the new MN3005s.

I always like to read through build reports/issues/mods before I start a pedal and was shocked to not see any build reports.


I originally built mine using 2x MN3008's while I awaited my Xvive MN3005's.  Worked and sounded great, though obviously with a fairly short delay time.  I swapped in my MN3005's and at first the calibration was a little bit off and I'd get some noise/distortion in the delays but I re-did it and it seems to be better.  I haven't had a chance to fully test it out as it's unboxed while the enclosure gets completed.


I've got one built with Xvive 3005s that sounds totally great, and one with four MN3008s that needs some work (getting some clock noise at max delay time, but I also probably need to re-do the biasing).


Yeah, it can be a bit annoying to not see build reports for new projects, sometimes. (I sent out one or two overdrive boards a couple months ago, and I've had one report back ;) )
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I haven't posted a build report for mine because it hasn't been labeled and knobbed yet!


I've built two with 4x3008's and both fired right up. One biased with no issues and the other I have some compander issues but am optimistic.

When biased right they sound dreamy


i finished mine over the weekend. Really digging the pedal, can't wait for the Timelapse. Make sure your power jack doesn't make contact with the enclosure!


Finished my first (2 x 2005). Sounds great! haven't done a build report in ages, prolly should just to document in cases like this.
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czapa tranzystor 2

I have problem with my proto board,not good  one  Mn3008.Board Nr.2 built mine using 2x MN3008."It's Alive!!!"


I'm doing mine in around a week.  Ther was a higher wattage resistor that mouser has had on back order for like 3 months
I thought this would save me money.