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First build - 1776 Multiplex Echo Machine

Started by blackedition, February 13, 2016, 09:38:02 PM

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Hey all... this has been a long time coming. I'm finally getting to my first build, a Multiplex Echo Machine. Unsurprisingly, I've hit my first two snags... Mistake 1: I ordered all my components from Mouser, and first ordered box caps with varied and incorrect lead spacing. Having reordered the correct box caps, I now realize all my electrolytics have different voltage ratings. All are > than 9 volts but 2 values: 47 uf are 4v rated and 100uf are 6.3 volt rated... now I have to order more's maddening...

Here are some progress shots:


Man, nice work and I have to say that is a super gutsy first build.

I'm still getting used to taming the beast that is Mouser - if that stuff is the worst you do, I would cut losses and keep on keeping on haha....PM if you want me to share some mouser #'s....I've been trying to keep up with when I get it right and log those parts numbers


Ordering from mouser is tricky, especially at first.

I agree. The multiplex a killer pedal, but it's a tough first build. My second and third builds were pt2399 projects. Coincidently I'm not a big fan of that particular chip anymore.   :P


Yeah Mouser is not the most accessible of sites. They have so many options for everything it can make your head spin. I find it easier to navigate than DigiKey, though. I wanted to keep the number of sites from which I ordered to a minimum, and figured I'd be able to get most everything component wise from Mouser.

I also realized I ordered too few 1Mohm metal film resistors, hence the two carbon comps...doh.

Quote from: mrclean77 on February 14, 2016, 12:59:49 AM
PM if you want me to share some mouser #'s....I've been trying to keep up with when I get it right and log those parts numbers

Thanks for the offer! I would definitely be happy to have any information you'd want to provide!

The step I'm worried most about is the enclosure drilling. I have a Harbor Freight desktop drill press and the knockoff Irwin step bit from Small Bear, so I'm hoping that'll make things a little bit easier. Still, I'd hate to mess up and ruin an enclosure... I suppose I shouldn't worry about that yet though haha...


It is a bit embarrassing, but I have had this 1776 board for almost 2 years... I just never made the initial investment to get all the components as I had to pinch some pennies for a little while.

I ordered enough parts to do three builds. The next two will be a Slow Loris and a Pig Butt. I'd rather have gone with the Mudbunny, but it wasn't in stock when I was ready to order boards. I guess I'll have to put that in the queue ;).

The other embarrassing thing is that I'm not primarily a guitarist...I am actually a drummer. I dabble in guitar and bass, but am in no way proficient. I do love electronics projects, and know that I'll enjoy playing through this pedal when it's done! At the very least, maybe it'll see some recording time when my band goes into the studio in the near future :D.


I keep going back to this link when ordering anywhere (its super helpful for getting DIY pcb friendly parts with direct links):

If you follow the resistor link, just know if you need 1/4 (typical) or 1/8 watt
(small) and apply that filter at Mouser.

Good luck,
