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Up Down Muff (big muff + octave up + octave down)

Started by Timko, February 04, 2016, 03:16:54 PM

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This is a really cool custom build I did for a friend in Oklahoma.  I finished it up last night, and she's sounding great!  Here's everything going on in the box:

  • A Big Muff, built on the Mini Muffin board from THCustoms.  I used some of Wampler's suggested mods for the filter section to decrease lows and open the sound up a little.  I also included the AMZ body control to control the mids.
  • THCustoms U-Boat Sub Octave
  • Guitar PCB's Emerald Ring Octave Up
  • JMK PCB's Paralyzer.  This allows me to run the 2 octaves, buffered (really helps with the tracking on the sub octave) and in parallel, which allows me to avoid crazy phasing issues.
  • Guitar PCB's effects switch.  This allows me to change the order of processing for the muff and the octaves.

This is hands down the most stuff I ever want to put in a 1790 enclosure.  Because of the tightness, my wiring isn't as clean as it normally is.  Waterslide graphics with some design input from my friend.  Ignore that bad drill hole in the lower left; I covered it up with some cardboard and electrical tape on the insde of the include.

This is easily the biggest build I've done to date.  I'm glad it all worked as soon as I fired it up!  I also finally came up with a name for branding :).


you do know that it is all in vain if you don't record a sound sample of this magnificent pedal!?!?!?!?!?!?! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 04, 2016, 03:28:30 PM
you do know that it is all in vain if you don't record a sound sample of this magnificent pedal!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'll invite someone over to my house that plays better guitar than me, and we'll do some sound demos :).


Haha don't sweat about it man it doesn't have to be Mike Hermans level of playing at all :) - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Nice job getting it all to fit! Love the graphic.


Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Good job! That looks pretty great. Pretty creative getting all those different boards working together, too.


Nice job man, that thing looks killer. So is there separate switches for the octave up and octave down? Or does one of the stomps change the order of the muff vs octave?


Quote from: Matmosphere on February 04, 2016, 05:08:37 PM
Nice job man, that thing looks killer. So is there separate switches for the octave up and octave down? Or does one of the stomps change the order of the muff vs octave?

The switch on the side controls the octave(s) and muff order.  The footswitches on top enable each of the individual effects separately.

JMK's Paralyzer has a blend knob, with effectively acts like a volume for the octaves! 

I'm probably building just the octave up/down for myself in a 125BB in the near future.


Ah, didn't see the switch on the side. I was confused.

Did you like the muff board? I've been thinking of picking one of those up.


Quote from: Matmosphere on February 04, 2016, 08:11:53 PM
Ah, didn't see the switch on the side. I was confused.

Did you like the muff board? I've been thinking of picking one of those up.

I do.  It's TINY, and it's probably the only one that would have fit in here.  You can build basically any config of muffage on this thing.  And THCustoms is closing them out at the moment.