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Collosalus 2012 HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

Started by Govmnt_Lacky, February 02, 2016, 11:08:10 PM

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I'm not used to posting help wanted ads but... I'm at a loss on this one...

Colossalus 2012 build (I do have the proper document but cannot find a link to this version) and I am getting no modulated output. Only clean output when the effect is on. I have taken measurements and, when compared to Brians in the build doc, here are the differences:

IC6 Pin 5: Brian's = 0V
               Mine = 7.4V

Pretty sure the above is a typo in the doc. Pin 5 is tied to Pin 2 in the schematic and Pin 2 is listed as 7.4V so I think this is an error.

IC9 (MN3007)
Pin 5: Brian's = 0V
          Mine = 14.7V (0V when IC is removed)
Pins 7 & 8: Brian's = 4.7 to 5.7V
                 Mine = 14.7V (Also 14.7V with IC removed)

All other voltages are consistent with the build doc. I have tried 3 different MN3007s with the same results. Checked components 3 times for values and orientation.



Can someone (Brian?) kindly link the proper Collosalus build doc? The post where I asked for it was wiped out in the crash  :-\



Never too experienced to miss the smallest things :placefacepalmhere:

Forgot to solder IC9 Pin 5 to the damn PCB! Duh!!! Don't know how I missed it seeing as all 8 7 other pins were soldered just fine  ::)

Works like a champ now.


Funny, Sounded familiar, I had done the exact same thing on a Collosalus!

"In the process of taking pictures I spotted 2 issues. 1st, embarrassingly I hadn't soldered IC9 pin 5's socket."

I've attached the 2012 build doc