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Echo Crustache Deluxe - selmer buzztone with delay

Started by mcasemo, January 26, 2016, 02:00:46 AM

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I posted one of these previously (lost in the crash), but made another one for my kids school fundraiser with their mascot logo on it.  So thought i'd re-post.  It's a selmer buzztone with a delay that is based off of the ZPMII, but with the echobase delay time and modulation.  Side mount delay and feedback for foot control, and side mount mix, mod depth and mod speed to preserve graphic space.  This was my second attempt at PCB making, only messed up one thing on the board.  Did Seeed this time, so I got 8 more to make.

My kids go to a french curriculum school here in New Orleans, and their mascot is a Loup Garou (or Rougarou kind of a french/cajun werewolf.  It's a charter school, so they have lots of fundraisers, so i'm donating it for one of the auctions.


This is really cool! Did you do the PCB yourself? I didn't know you live in N.O. I am from Louisiana originally and used to go there all the time to see bands play. Loup Garou as a school mascot is a great idea...


thanks, yes this was my second PCB, designed on Eagle and ordered through Seeed.  I used the madbean library of parts that he had for small pads (alternate), I was trying to cram everything in a small area, and the pads are kinda hard to solder, but i'm getting better.  making new stuff with normal size though.

i grew up in baton rouge.  lived in san Francisco, then move to new orleans early 2005. 



Sweet! I lived in Baton Rouge from '89-'95 (high school to early college years, basically), from Shreveport originally.


Wow, that's a great use of that enclosure!  Looks great!


I'm learning the lesson of long delay time and noise, so now looking at the filtering options on the ZP mini and others.   I don't really play, my friend uses them and records with them, so it's fun getting the feedback and figuring out what to do next.

So may try the SWTC on the ZP mini.  The Wampler Echo in the EP looks fun to try, it's has a tone on the repeats.  And I do want to try a Hamlet.  Researching the noise thing, seems like various points to filter on the PT2399, the cap hanging off pin 16, or pin 12, or the filter in the route to the feedback/mix.  Definitely don't understand them all, anyone know if there is a good write up of the filtering for the PT2399?


Interesting choice the Selmer Buzz tone, a rare fuzz/drive indeed.
Would love to buy one if you end up with any spare PCBs.
Nice work


thanks.  i have four pedals in work and gave the rest of the boards away.  I'm going to tweak the PCB (used small pads on everything, kinda tedious to solder) and reorder, i'll try to remember to check with you when i get them, will be several months probably.