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Post Your Art

Started by SmoothAction, January 21, 2016, 09:34:05 AM

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...and were off.

You know the drill.

Post your art. Process is always appreciated!

Spray enamel/Stencil or Cutout


Last nights batch. Sometimes you're on one, sometimes you're not. This batch was somewhere betwixt.

These are pretty small, 7"x10". Enamel and cutouts. I love art that doesn't take itself too seriously, my buddy and I had a good laugh while making these.


Cool topic!

I made a comic blog about biology : (in french, sorry :( )
However, it was really too long to draw and digitally paint all these drawings, so unfortunately I do not keep it on date ...

Usually, I draw with a fine Rotring, with watercolours, like this:


Man you guys are talented

Really enjoyed the comic strip about the 2013 nobel prize. Awesome drawings of the cell on the surgery table!
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


@Coda, I really like that series. Super cool stuff! We've got some really talented people here. That was a fun art blog, thanks for sharing.

Here's a quick one I did last night with some new Rustoleum neons I picked up. I FAR prefer Rustoleum to Krylon these days. Krylon has great colors but the caps on them are hinge-style. Rustoleum cans have caps more suited to this style as far as spray diameter and applied pressures are concerned. Krylon caps are difficult to control how much paint you wish to be applied. I attempted to do reflections on the ocean by smearing a some cardboard side to side while the paint was still wet. It was a little too dramatic, I shouldve used a smaller motion and a smaller piece of cardboard. Ended up looking like an island instead of a reflection. Not my favorite, not my worst.

Spray enamel on canvas again.


So here's a time-lapse of a simple sphere. This is by no means a full project, just a little something to show the process.

Nothing too wild here but it shows the basics of layering and scraping. Try it at home, don't use too much paint, work in a ventilated area, wear clothes you don't care about. If your paint is too wet it will cause bleeding and rough edges. I like to use a hair dryer to prevent such incidences. Sometimes you want wet paint, sometimes you don't. Contrast and fine lines really elevate a small piece like this. Be quick, get weird.

Nearly everyone has black, white, and color spray paints in their home. Give it a try, if you don't like it just paint over with white and try again. This style lends itself very well to happy accidents so don't get discouraged. Have fun.

Here's the final piece. Enamel on watercolor paper.


Digital artist here. I doodle on both a surface pro 2, and a huion screen (cintiq clone). I use art rage, photoshop, inkscape and sometimes 3ds max to model volumes/shapes before I go over them in 2D.

Some stuff I drew, either for pedal designs, or standalone




So rad. I'm an absolute sucker for pinks/purples. That middle piece is just lovely work, I'd love a print if you have one for sale. Great texture on the background, I take it you had drawn the tree by hand? Gorgeous lines, very flowing and visibly done with care.

The top piece makes me wonder why you aren't designing AAA video game artwork, at least conceptually. I can dig on the minimal color patching, great contrast to boot.

I look forward to seeing more of your art Cloudscapes.


Damn, this is good stuff.


Quote from: SmoothAction on January 27, 2016, 10:25:22 PM


So rad. I'm an absolute sucker for pinks/purples. That middle piece is just lovely work, I'd love a print if you have one for sale. Great texture on the background, I take it you had drawn the tree by hand? Gorgeous lines, very flowing and visibly done with care.

The top piece makes me wonder why you aren't designing AAA video game artwork, at least conceptually. I can dig on the minimal color patching, great contrast to boot.

I look forward to seeing more of your art Cloudscapes.

Thanks! I like purple a lot too. Pink a bit less, but it's fine with other colors. I don't do prints at the moment. And yeah the tree is drawn by hand (on a tablet). The background is an overlay, not drawn.

As for game artwork, who says I'm already not? ;)


teaching myself how to doodle & draw. not good at it but its very relaxing and enjoyable to do . Pencil and paper


Awesome Lightsoundgeometry. Art is either very relaxing or incredibly tense for me. Keep it up, I'd love to see more. We both have pyramids, ha.

Here are two of my latest pieces. It was a frustrating and very strange night. I was in a weird mood and hadn't picked up a can of paint in a while so why not? I'm not really sure what to call these so I'm winging it. Stuff got weird as usual.

My girlfriend just booted her crappy roommates and they left a beer pong table. I don't drink beer (gout at 27yrs old, lame) and I didn't much care for the people so I decided to re-purpose it into my strangeness.

Both pieces are 47"x24". Spray enamel, spray acrylic. I let my buddy Andrew put the pyramids on the 2nd piece.



Thanks for looking.

(EDIT - What image hosting site do you guys prefer? I just saw some of my images aren't coming up due to URL expiration. I'll fix them soon)


Decided to switch it up. Absolutely loving colored pencils right now. Work in progress but it's 90% done. Felt inspired to do a southwestern theme as I'm in New Mexico and love the art that comes out of here.


(lizard) Colored Pencil and Ink

Thanks for looking.


So much great stuff in this thread!!


All You Need Is Love