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Deathklaw Half working

Started by GoldenPotus, January 18, 2016, 11:05:13 PM

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I built a Deathklaw dual delay and it seems to only be half working. I get delay but it's nowhere near endless repeats into self-oscillation like it's supposed to be and the delay only come into effect when I engage the ghost switch even though the effect is on. I'm thinking it has to do with the PT2399 ICs so I ordered some to swap out. Hopefully someone understands this more than I do and can advise me on what to do. thank you


I've narrowed it down to IC2 being the problem. I've swapped out the PT2399 several times and none of them produced delay. Now I'm thinking it could BC550 transistor but I'm not sure.


Audio probe pins 15 and 14 of IC2. Do you get signal into pin15? Do you get signal out of pin14?


I did get audio going into pin 15 and out of pin 14


im not getting any signal out of pin 14 of IC3


I've swapped out Q1 and Q3, still only half working


I don't mean to be annoying but I want to get this pedal fixed for a show coming up at the end of this month. All help will be greatly appreciated!



I had the same problem on mine. Tracked it down to a bad ghost switch. Seems I forget to put the bottom nut on the switch shaft, so when I tightened the top nut, the switch pulled apart. Swapped the switch and I'm good.