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Doppleganger Square toggle issue

Started by pogart, May 11, 2015, 07:32:39 PM

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Fired up my doppleganger today and after a few loose wire fixes it worked : )  A very cool pedal to enjoy. One wrinkle though. It may be a simple case of a new toggle switch but the "square" toggle only works if I set it directly centre. It does not "click" in but sort of balances between the two sides. If I flip it to left or right there is no noticeable function. Set in the middle, I get a universe of cool, swirly goodness. I reflowed all the solder joints but have not checked any voltages etc since it works except for the toggle issue.When I was populating the board I made the mistake of soldering the toggle switches (and sadly pots as well) to the wrong side of the board (twice if you can believe it!..that has to go in some kind of wall of shame noob mistake archive). I was delicate as possible removing them but I was wondering if I could have damaged the sockets so there is a sketchy connection now or could it just be a bunk toggle switch. The pads looked intact under my magnifier glass before I soldered the toggle back in. I will pick up a new toggle this week but wanted to check in with the more experienced crew to see if anyone has run into a similar issue.


Stomp switches have been known to go funky with too much heat application, possibly you've toasted the toggle switch. You can check with your meter for continuity between the switch lugs and the component the trace goes to next. This will determine whether the pad has come undone from too much heat and force or whether they are still fine.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Cool, thanks for the quick reply. I have continuity to the correct pins on the ic/cap/pot with each lug on the toggle. I did notice earlier that LDR3 and LDR4 and matching LED's do not light up or pulse unless the toggle is in the centre. Not sure if this matters but I have not hooked up the "pseudo stereo" jack to the board yet. All other jacks are connected.


as far as I know, all the LEDs should light up no matter if you're in square or sine mode. The square mode just affects 2 of the diodes though connected to LFO1 (HF). You should see the difference in how they light up quite clearly.
make sure you have no cold solder joints in that area (or anywhere else for that matter) and double-check all values.
pics could help too
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If the toggle is set in the middle (see pic) all LED's light up and pulse. Once I flip to either side of the toggle led's 3 and 4 do not light up. Nor does the LED on the bottom of the board left side.  I reflowed all solder joints just now and am checking values as we speak. It is odd that it works as long as it is in the centre.


Problem solved. Not sure what it was but I reflowed everything once more and ramped it up. I thought maybe the LDR's/LED's were exposed(not boxed up yet, following the tech help mantra of rock it before you box it) to the daylight in my room so I flipped it over and that made a huge difference to tweak the knobs etc. How you guys create these things is amazing. Thanks Lacesensor for offering this groove box : )