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I wish GGG had a support forum

Started by movinginslomo, May 05, 2015, 05:13:36 PM

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I have a mu-tron micro-v clone not working properly and I suspect Mr. Sleep is too tied up for detailed support. Maybe I dove in too fast?


Na, post the required info, this forum is much help.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


If GGG had a support forum do you think it would go offline for saturdays as well?


Quote from: Muadzin on May 05, 2015, 07:00:49 PM
If GGG had a support forum do you think it would go offline for saturdays as well?

Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
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Well to begin the pedal initially sounds fine but after a minute the envelope just.. dies.. stays on the low end. The kit came with a 47uf instead of a 10uf for one of the electros which I happened to have and swapped.

[rant]What makes this frustrating is posting on another board about it and pretty being much ignored, I can admit I know how to build pedals, but I don't know how they work, and of course when one doesn't... "go to geofex, read and get back to us ok?" attitudes[/rant]


Quote from: Muadzin on May 05, 2015, 07:00:49 PM
If GGG had a support forum do you think it would go offline for saturdays as well?

You, sir, win the internet for the day with that.  Well done.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Quote from: movinginslomo on May 05, 2015, 09:40:08 PM
[rant]What makes this frustrating is posting on another board about it and pretty being much ignored, I can admit I know how to build pedals, but I don't know how they work, and of course when one doesn't... "go to geofex, read and get back to us ok?" attitudes[/rant]

1) Was it DIYSB?
2) Did you provide any more information at the other forum than you did here?
3) Was the post on Geofex that they pointed you to the one that gives you debugging instructions? Because that's a really important thing to read and there's probably a reason they sent you there. Or if you were asking how the Mutron V worked, then sending you to Geofex was still useful because the Technology Of Envelope Filters article there details how an EF works.
4) Are you actually asking for help in your first post? Because it doesn't look like you are, it looks like you're asking if you shouldn't have built the project. Which only you can answer. And wishing that GGG had a support forum, which none of us can really do anything about.

Now, because you complained in a rant about the way you were treated on another forum, I can venture a guess as to why you were with a rant of my own.

[rant]All you've said is that it doesn't work. You provided zero information -- you didn't even tell us how it wasn't working. It looks like you didn't read even the titles of the subforums here before posting, because if you had, you would have found a subforum entitled "Tech Help" and, had you gone to that subforum, and had you read the stickied posts there, you would have discovered a post with instructions for getting tech help, including a proper forum, detailed steps to take, and a lot of information that is required for other people to render aid. The people here (and elsewhere), who are very friendly, help multiple users every single day with their projects and it becomes completely exhausting to post a link to the tech help rules thread, because the assumption is that there are other users who have taken the initiative to at least search the forum.[/rant]

So, and I'll say this as nicely as is possible, remember that the hobby is "DIY" (do it yourself) and not "MODIFY" (make others do it for you). Help us help you.


It is not a madbean or associated pedal. It's a GGG pedal and contact with them was brief. I'm not badmouthing anyone. And on the other forum (DIYSB) I basically got nothing, where to look etc. I originally asked it if it was tailored for bass, as it it definately was not working with bass. It turns out it's not working correctly period. When asking where to begin I get nothing. I have an audio probe. And i have indeed read geofex. I can't read schematics. If that's required then I have to learn. I'm a musician, not a scientist. I want to learn more about the effects I use, not invent them. Anyone is aware of how much "mojo" bs exists. I want to learn what's actually BS and what's not. I build these for fun and friends, once it loses the fun, then why do it?


Why don't you start a tech help thread here and we'll see what we can do. Usually we need a bit more info than you've provided, but we can get you looking in the right direction with a little bit of info usually. Check out our tech help rules thread (should be called idea thread really)...

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sure feel free to close this thread anyone


Modify...that was very clever :-)

Anyway, above all else welcome to the forum.  JD's site isn't real big on support but his stuff is really nice.  Go over the trouble shooting section here and then post some clear pics and other facts and let's troubleshoot.
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


Edit: moved post to tech help thread.