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Jon's rant of the day - warm AND bright! At the same time!!! Eleventy!

Started by midwayfair, April 09, 2015, 12:57:24 PM

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Quote from: midwayfair on April 09, 2015, 03:19:55 PM
Quote from: drolo on April 09, 2015, 03:15:14 PM
Quote from: irmcdermott on April 09, 2015, 02:58:49 PM
I thank the good Lord every day for this forum, and that no one here has taken a drink of the Kool-Aid.

Also.... what do you recommend for the cleanest fuzz out there? Only real musician's reply please.

I understand these jokes!

I have had very good results with this Fuzz Face mod:

Cleans up marvelously, ballsy, yet, dare I say, transparent.


I was going to post a fuzz on 4/1 that I called "total sonic destruction" that was a mix of two summed 180-degree out-of-phase signals.

I understand these jokes!


The types of quotes from cork sniffers trying to describe what tone they want reminds me of this:

Contradiction city!!


Quote from: drolo on April 09, 2015, 03:15:14 PM
Quote from: irmcdermott on April 09, 2015, 02:58:49 PM
I thank the good Lord every day for this forum, and that no one here has taken a drink of the Kool-Aid.

Also.... what do you recommend for the cleanest fuzz out there? Only real musician's reply please.

I have had very good results with this Fuzz Face mod:

Cleans up marvelously, ballsy, yet, dare I say, transparent.
I have a concern though... is it true bypass? I mean, like REAL true bypass? I've heard that cables could colour your tone. You might want to use a klone buffer there.
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


Quote from: midwayfair on April 09, 2015, 12:57:24 PM
Spotted on TGP today:

Quotebut I've been looking to get a really warm and bright overdrive to add to my board

On DIYSB the other day (different person):

QuoteI meant something clear, warm and bright

When I told the DIYSB guy that he was, to the best of my knowledge, asking for a circuit to do two polar opposites at the same time (he also wanted a "completely clean" tube preamp circuit that adds harmonics and sustain ... but isn't a compressor and didn't EQ the signal), he said:

Quoteyes, you can have warm and bright sound. The equilibrium point between these two is a matter of aesthetics.

Anyway, no offence, any musician in here understands what I mean and looking for.

So since I'm clearly not a musician because I can't frigging understand this, what the hell definition of "warm" are people using that encompasses "bright"?

Warm/dark - Emphasis on the lower frequencies with a smoother top.
Bright - Emphasis on the higher frequencies, more cutting.

Absolutely, they are opposites like scooped vs humped mids.

So not being a musician ;) I can assume he wants something that's got a lot of bottom end push with cutting top. Given that he's not wanting a boost or a compressor that would even out the frequencies, one can only assume he wants the mids to stay put, hence be scooped in comparison to the warm bottom and bright top (and invisible in a mix...). That's how I'd translate it anyhow. For the OD I'd recommend him a Colorsound OD. It's got a BAX so he can have his 'warm and bright' sound. Then when he works out that doesn't actually work, he can adjust accordingly.

Hmmm, this is where I have trouble and really try to get people to give me examples of what they want. The tube pre... Again I'd suggest maybe he's wanting a tube boost rather than a tube OD (where the OD will have emphasis on specific frequencies and the boost just does the whole lot). They all lose me when they want something transparent that 'adds' something. Then it's not transparent. By definition, it's not bloody transparent, you're wanting to add harmonics and sustain! FWIW, baby boobtube, if I'm understanding him.

It's frustrating though, I'll grant you.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


The total ignorance of said user aside, this thread made me laugh!
After Jon screwed it all up with being serious, I'll bring the level down again :)

I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Quote from: Cortexturizer on April 09, 2015, 01:07:01 PM
hahaha all of this made me laugh, Jon thank you for this, fantastic.
I've had a friend ask me to make him a fuzz that does exactly that and I declined saying that such a circuit cannot be made :D "incredible balls and low end, awesome mids, and a string to string separation of a light overdrive pedal and that it cleans up with a volume knob"

Tell him to buy a Trainwreck Express.

The pricetag is how you know it does all that.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
My website


Quote from: icecycle66 on April 09, 2015, 03:37:39 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on April 09, 2015, 03:19:55 PM
Quote from: drolo on April 09, 2015, 03:15:14 PM
Quote from: irmcdermott on April 09, 2015, 02:58:49 PM
I thank the good Lord every day for this forum, and that no one here has taken a drink of the Kool-Aid.

Also.... what do you recommend for the cleanest fuzz out there? Only real musician's reply please.

I understand these jokes!

I have had very good results with this Fuzz Face mod:

Cleans up marvelously, ballsy, yet, dare I say, transparent.


I was going to post a fuzz on 4/1 that I called "total sonic destruction" that was a mix of two summed 180-degree out-of-phase signals.

I understand these jokes!

Have you tried the "trace cut" mod?


Quote from: Martan on April 09, 2015, 03:11:15 PM
Guy needs one of these to finally have the pedal that really understands him.

The mind-control, I mean. Not the shirt.

Warmer and more tubular with a little more translucence without EQ...of course, [pretend to twiddle knobs] how does this sound?
PERFECT! what did you do?   NOTHING! 

I loved doing that to our lead singer...

I swear I had a video producer ask me to make the music score more tubular once...


Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


This thread is gold....
I'm glad I don't have to worry about any existence or non-existence of musicianship here while I'm falling over backwards laughing...
BigNoise Amplification


Quote from: cooder on April 09, 2015, 08:38:30 PM
I'm glad I don't have to worry about any existence or non-existence of musicianship here ...

Me too, I'm glad we're all bass players.


Quote from: icecycle66 on April 09, 2015, 09:11:58 PM
Quote from: cooder on April 09, 2015, 08:38:30 PM
I'm glad I don't have to worry about any existence or non-existence of musicianship here ...

Me too, I'm glad we're all bass players.

You say that, but I'm a hilariously poor bassist. The engineer I record with once took a bass away from me and laughed at me. We were recording the song "1962" (on the second MF album) and he asked me how I could be such a bad bassist. Then he played a good bassline for the the song straight through after like 3 takes.


Quote from: juansolo on April 09, 2015, 03:52:24 PM
Warm/dark - Emphasis on the lower frequencies with a smoother top.
Bright - Emphasis on the higher frequencies, more cutting.

That's what I was thinking.  Maybe not mid scooped, there was no mention of mids, so mids would be flat.  Just boosted highs and boosted lows...?

Look Jon, I would be peeved if someone spoke to me like that too, but to be honest I don't think he was intentionally trying to be offensive.  He's on a pedal building / electronics forum and...probably...assumes we don't actually pick up our guitars anymore...?
Pedal Parts Shop              Youtube


Well he'd be right with that one.

My guitar gets far less playing action than it should since I discovered the joys of building pedalz!


As an engineer, I get a lot of random "musician language" requests like this. Learning how to translate it into meaningful action is an important job skill!

My related-but-tangential version of this is when they ask you to turn this up, then turn that up, then turn this other thing up, and hey how about this fourth thing? Everything louder than everything else!