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JMK Testing Rig

Started by AntKnee, March 24, 2015, 08:32:50 PM

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Followed the running black/yellow stripe graphic that is so fitting for this project. This one also marks my return to spray clear coat after a while of doing envirotex. I also used single color, red LEDs instead of the bicolor thing. I just wanted the light to come on when the switch was flipped, and don't want to have to try to remember which position goes with which color of LED. Overall, I like how it turned out.

I have only hooked one pcb up to it, just to test it, and I already love this setup. Great work, JMK! I would like to lower the pitch of the test tone, though.

I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


That is such a cool, beautiful build. Too bad it won't get out into the spotlight! That graphic makes me think of Max Headroom. My test rig is a bit... er... "utilitarian" compared to yours.


Well there is my next project. Great job and thanks for the inspiration.


Great build! This post ought to help Jacob sell some more of these boards.


Really nice. Great build inside and out.


nice build dude... very tidy! 8)
this is such a great project, combines half a bench full of my testing gear into one package!


Love it. and the "under construction" colours are always great on these ;)
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


I love it! I'm really impressed with this one. It's one of the cleaner testing rigs I've seen, and it almost seems like it should be on a pedalboard, not relegated to the building bench.

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