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Started by Dixie_Crap, June 14, 2011, 04:34:47 PM

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Just Thought I'd say hello.

I am pretty new to all this DIY and electronics malarkey and have very little knowledge of electronics full stop (well except that it hurts if you put a fork in a plug socket).

I have jumped into the deep end and ordered the following from the site:



Rump Roast

Karate Shop


I have almost certainly bitten off more than I can chew, but I figured that if I was going to get one PCB sent all the way to England, well it might as well be 5 :)

I can't wait to get stuck in!


Welcome! You'll love it once you get started. If I may suggest a starting point, start with the Slambox. Very easy, rewarding build!


I do prefer the rump roast over the slambox. You'll enjoy your builds for sure!
Like I built a zombii, a rump roast and a boomstick (I love that distortion).
We'll help you if needed  ;)


Contract PCB designer


Hey, man.  Welcome.  Don't be afraid to ask some stupid questions.  There are some really intelligent and resourceful people to learn from here.  Ive learned most of what I know about electronics and stomp box building from this site.


Welcome to the Madbean forum!!
Good choice on ordering multiple boards. Once you finish the first one you will definitely wanna keep going.  ;D
There is so much information to be attained from here so Id say your in the right place. Also check the links section on the homepage for more sites full of DIY info!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


All those builds will be super rewarding. I agree with everything that has been said above me. Ask questions and you will get help. Just be sure to post in the right area of the forum


as a warning, you will need to start budgeting money every paycheck for your new habit. It is addictive as hell but without the withdrawals and hangover.


Welcome man! I'm afraid you've stepped into the "Hotel California" of hobbies... "You can check out any time you like but you can never leave" haha

Feel free to pick our brains here! We're always eager to help out :D

Have fun!!

God bless!


Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

I began ordering a few bits and pieces from Dr. Tweeks and banzai yesterday.

I've taken thetrend77's advise and i'll be starting with the Slambox.

Looking forward to it  ;D


It sounds like you're starting off on the right foot.  You're already following one of the golden rules of DIY-Never order just one of anything  :D

When your first pedal springs to life, you're gonna be hooked forever 8)