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Darkside extreme hum prob

Started by G.G., June 12, 2011, 08:44:39 PM

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Hi Folks,
I got my Darkside wired up and in an effort to "rock before I box" I have it taped down on a cutting board while I plugged in to try it out.  It seems like everything is working correctly except I'm getting a really, really loud hum over top of everything.  It sounds like some kind of a grounding issue, would that most likely go away once I got it all into an enclosure or do I need to trouble-shoot some more?  The pedal sounds good, except for the hum  :-\


Analog Design Audio

Hi i think SLEEVES from the jacks and Circuit grounding will affect after all of the grounds go on the box (enclosure) to a general GROUND as you can see output SLEEVE dont be at all connected to ground in the schematics before boxed ,try to ground S9-input sleeve-output sleeve with crocodile wires and see if the problem is fixed.


Quote from: carpediemgr on June 12, 2011, 09:01:25 PM
Hi i think SLEEVES from the jacks and Circuit grounding will affect after all of the grounds on the box (enclosure) to a general GROUND as you can see output SLEEVE dont be at all connected to ground in the schematics before boxed ,try to ground S9-input sleeve-output sleeve with crocodile wires and see if the problem is fixed.

that worked! Thanks for the tip, the hum disappeared!