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Wiring Question(s) - Testing Boneyard Build

Started by DaWebMasta, March 11, 2015, 05:44:25 PM

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Hey All,

Sorry for the noob questions, but hey, I'm kind of a noob at building pedals .... :-)

Anyway, I'm building a Boneyard (version 1 I guess it's called, with 2 channels and boost) on a PCB that I got from Haberdasher a LONG time ago. The PCB is all soldered and I am getting ready to do the pots and switches.

My first question is, is it possible to test the circuit without wiring up the stomp switches? Can you 'activate', say, the effect on-off by twisting two appropriate wires together and taking the other one to ground, or something along those lines?

Next question: I don't really care about having the boost part of the pedal, I never used it when I had an original Plexitone. Would just leaving that switch and the associated wires off the board be ok, or would I need to put jumper(s) somewhere or something?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.



As for the first question, a lot of us have made a 'testing pedal' with the jacks and a switch and use alligator clips or the like to hook up new circuits to test. It's called 'rocking before boxing.'

Jacob did a great thread on how to make one:
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Check out the Tech Help sticky thread entitled How to build and Use a Basic Testing Rig.  Most boards that use true bypass switching can be tested by connecting four wires to off-board connections: board input, 9V, G, board output.  You don't even really need to connect to a full-on test rig with a 3PDT, but you will need an input jack (to connect to your guitar) and an output jack (to connect to an amp).  If you don't build a full-on test rig, remember that your jacks will need to be grounded.

With the Boneyard you may need to jumper the high gain/low gain switch and the boost switch so that those circuits are complete.  I can't remember how those were set up on the V1 board, though.  Let us know if you can't figure that part out.  In the meantime, I'll dig through my old build docs.


Quote from: mgwhit on March 11, 2015, 06:24:49 PM
With the Boneyard you may need to jumper the high gain/low gain switch and the boost switch so that those circuits are complete.  I can't remember how those wer set up on the V1 board, though.  Let us know if you can't figure that part out.  In the meantime, I'll dig through my old build docs.

On the Crunch/High Gain switch (SW1) you will need to jumper the middle pad to the left pad for Crunch or the middle pad to the right pad for High Gain settings.  This would be very easy to test with a toggle switch or one pole of a 3PDT.

On the Boost switch, jumper the middle pad to the left pad to permanently disable the Boost function.


Thanks guys. Most helpful and much appreciated.