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working PCB for Bixonic Expandora?

Started by small fish, March 09, 2015, 07:51:43 PM

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small fish

Hi guys,
I recently found some schems on the web, which shows some "tryouts" about the Bixonic Expandora.
Unfortunately, they all seem to be not verified at the moment.
I also found a complete, well let´s say "pcb-build-by-pro" document, but - of course - without the schematic.

Has anyone here seen a complete plan / build, which is verified?
Otherwise I´d really like to build one so maybe there´s some chance to find it in the "extra projects" section some day?

Maybe I´ve missed something in the other big forum, like BYOC, DIYSB, FSB.
I know, that there´s a perfboard out there - at least I´ve seen one, some time ago.


p.s. If I should post the stuff I´ve got, plz let me know.
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JMK pcbs. See link in header


Do a search for the Expandra. I've built it in the past and it can be built as a straight Expandora clone.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
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small fish

You guys rock....
I just ordered one at codtone.

Time to let this beard grow.....

thx  8)
Guitars are made of trees! Paper is made of trees!
Recycle your paper, so there are more trees left - to make guitars!