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Slambox Master Volume

Started by NormalChannel, June 08, 2011, 06:35:07 PM

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Doable? Replace the 47k resistor with a pot?

Your thoughts?
31.69 nHz = once a year


Welcome! I love your little Edge picture there...haha awesome...

Yeah, I think it's possible to do that, I don't really see why not...lug 3 to the negative of C2, lug 2 to the output and lug 1 to ground...

Hope that helps :)

God bless!


Hey thanks man.

That absolutely helps. Here we go with a master-volume SB.

Next is a tone sweep in line with the MV.
31.69 nHz = once a year


Sorry, I don't have any advice.  I just love that dancing Edge avatar.  Too cool!


Quote from: NormalChannel on June 09, 2011, 12:25:18 AM
Next is a tone sweep in line with the MV.

Welcome to the forum!!!
A tone knob is very do-able and there a lot of different versions you can find out there. Here are a few examples;
There's more if you look a little bit. Note, if you do the Big Muff styled tone control your gonna have to bump the output volume back up.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Thanks, fellers.

Built one up this AM utilizing the SWTC Treble Boost & Master Volume.

Really cool.


Is there a way to increase the amount of treble added? Change cap? Change pot?

Your thoughts?
31.69 nHz = once a year


I knew I should have added this...
and while I'm at it..  :)
Thats cool to hear your master volume worked! I'll have to try that one and as well as with the tone control.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


It's  pretty groovy; no lie.

The treble boost is subtle, though. 

31.69 nHz = once a year


What values are you using for the SWTC?
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Whatever the webpage suggested.  50k pot & .022 uf cap?
31.69 nHz = once a year


Yup those are right and it does say to start there and experiment. That RC filter will help you pinpoint the frequency you want and what values to get it.
Not sure if you did the first or second diagram on the page but it appears the first is more for distortions and the second being for compressors. It does the say the 2nd diagram is used to dial a small amount of treble back in to open the sound up.
Here's where it comes from, maybe this will shed some light  :)
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


I used the second schem for compressors. I didnt really want a LP filter; I'm  using the SB as a boost on an AC30, so I wanted to be able to dial some treble back in
31.69 nHz = once a year


What value of pot would you use for the master volume?

Quote from: k.rock! on June 08, 2011, 07:02:42 PM
Welcome! I love your little Edge picture there...haha awesome...

Yeah, I think it's possible to do that, I don't really see why not...lug 3 to the negative of C2, lug 2 to the output and lug 1 to ground...

Hope that helps :)



Quote from: jighead81 on June 11, 2011, 04:16:07 AM
What value of pot would you use for the master volume?

100k Audio
31.69 nHz = once a year