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What is your favorite build so far and why?

Started by Luke51411, February 26, 2015, 01:07:29 AM

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There have been a lot of reflection threads lately so why not one more? I'll start. My favorite build so far has been my Multiplex with modulation. It is just such a great unique circuit. On top of that it was my first build using a waterslide decal and jewel indicator lights! I've had several people enquire about buying it but I set the price fairly high because I don't want to let this one go!


They are like my children, I love them all! hah.

I really like my FSH.  It can be so random at times and is quite a complicated effect.  Sounds like something I had to actually pay money for :)
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I agree with loving them all, I have never boxed a circuit I did not fall in love with.. but.. If I had to pick one, well I cant but I can pick 2. lol


These will not leave my board as of now.


If I have to choose a favorite, it would be my cave dweller, it hasn't moved off my board since I built it 3 years ago. I'm really digging on my doppelgänger though.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


For me, I'm excited about every completed build but with some it wears off faster than others. I'm still excited about firing up the multiplex every time plus it represents a milestone in my build quality progression.


Man tough call really...but

I would have to say my King of Muffs because it was what really got me breadboarding and striving to make something truly mine. I know who hasn't modified the big muff right? It's been done a million times but it helped me understand the how and why of basic circuits, and to my ears, I came up with a recipe that just rips as far as muffs go. Even earned a spot on Juansolo's fabulous muff spreadsheet. Now that is the big-time folks  :)



The litmus test would be what one stays on your pedalboard.

The Doppelganger (in two versions) and Tenebrion have been on my pedalboard since the day I built them, unbelievably good phaser and 'verb. The Cosmopolitan is my go-to fuzz/OD/distortion.

The only reason the LaVache left my board was because the power jack went dodgy (need to replace it.) Excellent for low-gain dirt.
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Everything in this one was perfect by my own standards, and it is one of the few pedals I really hesitated to let go of.  It fired right up and required really minimal adjustment to get it dialed in, a huge blessing considering how much wrestling I've had to do with other analog delays.  It was the first wedge cut enclosure I did for a non-fuzz pedal, inside and out everything fit well together and it made some great sounds.  So happy where it ended up! 
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Some spiffin' builds here, that analog delay is superb, timbo!

Anyway, for me it's my univibe and I'm also a reverb addict. Those two ingredients are a must.
I have a univibe each for my electric and for my acoustic guitar board as I dig the vibe setting for acoustic guitar as well.
Reverb wise I have tube driven "Weber Re-Vibe" which sounds awesome and the Reverb-O-Sonic does it nicely in effectsloop.
BigNoise Amplification


It's always been the Space Ritual (and derivatives). It's just the most coherent multi I've built in terms of the effects involved and the combinations of sounds available from it. Honourable mention has to go Alice also as that just amuses me for hours at a time.

In a single though, the PS-1A clone. We just did so much on that to make it work better with guitar and it sounds spectacularly good. Would still like to implement some clever switching on it, but as it stands it's done.

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Always on and I couldn't do without it.

Now I'm even running the harmonic tremolo with subtle settings whenever I'm playing clean. I've actually put more work into other builds, but this is absolutely indispensable. Well, at least until sometime in the murky, ship-comes-in future where I have that Stereo Twilighter ...

"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


This is starting to look like a who's who of competition entries!  :o



It's pretty much the exact same topic as SHOW YOUR BEST WORK which was sticky if I remember it correctly. But nevertheless, I could never get tired of seeing all those marvelous builds. Damnit jubal that's SO HOT! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


No, I think best and favourite are two different things. I'm trying to go through all my builds in my head, and I think my favourite is still either my original dirtbag delay or perhaps my original JMKlon built with a Sunking board. I also am pretty fond of my Sith Slayer build...

Why? Well, the Dirtbag is a favourite because of the sound for sure. It's not the finest finish I've ever made happen, but it sounds really good. The JMKlon has just been super reliable for me, and I use it pretty constantly. The Sith Slayer has some sentimental value, but it's also really good sounding.

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Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 26, 2015, 04:02:02 PM
It's pretty much the exact same topic as SHOW YOUR BEST WORK which was sticky if I remember it correctly. But nevertheless, I could never get tired of seeing all those marvelous builds. Damnit jubal that's SO HOT!
Ohh hmm sorry about a somewhat duplicate post. Favorite and best can be somewhat different though. Your favorite build could just be one that is the most endearing to you due to the process of getting it built/troubleshot etc or just indispensable tone it provides or the backstory etc.