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Current Lover - Biasing questions

Started by luks999, February 25, 2015, 11:08:14 AM

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the build doc says, to set all trimpot to their middle position, and all pots except "rate"
first, the volume is very low on the the middle position, so i turned it up to max.
Next, I only get a signal when the Bias trimpot is turned clockwise to at least 75%, before that theres no signal at all. is that ok or is something wrong in my build?

The clock trimpot behave strange too. whatever i set my bias trimpot, the pedal makes strange noises when the rates increased.
I have to setup the Clock trimpot to a minimum (nearly full counter clockwise)
Next, the flanging itself seems to lower the more i turn the clock trimpot up. legit?

the T1 trimpot works as described in the Doc.

The pedal seems to work overall, some chorus and flange sounds there, but i have to bias it different than in the build doc.
Also the flange (plane like sound) is not too loud

maybe i have some part values wrong? or does it sound correct overall?

thanks in advance and sorry for the long text ;)


Ignore the procedure, bias it to where the best modulated & unclipped signal is, you can reduce or short the (82k?) resistor off the bias pot to get a better range, then it should bias more in the center of the trim (bias does change slightly with clock adjustment).

Clock adjustment, to do it properly you need a meter with a frequency counter, otherwise you'll just have to set it where it sounds best.
Works at Lectric-FX


waaah i feel so dumb, forgot to jumper send / return. now the whole has a lot more flange :)

thanks scruffie :) did the biasing with ear, now the description applied a lot more to what i hear :)


If you're still having trouble biasing, changing the 82k resistor to a 47k really helped my build.