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Reuse Enclosure After Bad Etch

Started by Dulouz, February 23, 2015, 07:27:33 PM

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Hey Guys!

I had a particularly bad etch a couple weeks ago and I'd like to salvage the enclosure.

Do any of you reuse enclosures after a bad etches? If so, any tips on getting them ready to re-etch?

Sanding materials or techniques?



Do you have a palm sander?  If not, it can be pretty hard work depending on the depth of the etch.  I just got the control labels backwards on an etch this weekend and decided to start over with a new enclosure due to the depth of the etch. as far as getting them ready for a re-etch goes, I would suggest 60/100/120/240 grit sand paper followed by 400/600 wet sand.  I would actually suggest this process for any etched enclosre; not just a re-do although you can probably start at 100 grit instead of 60.  If you have a palm sander this only takes about 10 minutes.  If not, it's pretty hard work! Did you sand the enclosure in the first place?  If not, you will not get a good etch.


Thanks Jon!

Yes, I did sand. It just was a bad print on the transfer. I tried it anyway, but wasn't happy with the results.

I'll give the method you suggested a try.


You could always use a faceplate on that particular box.



Quote from: Stomptown on February 23, 2015, 08:39:27 PM
Quote from: billstein on February 23, 2015, 08:31:06 PM
You could always use a faceplate on that particular box.

Not a bad idea!
Unfortunately I learned this through my epic fails at trying to etch boxes. I'm much to lazy to sand all the metal off, so I hide it instead. A few of my boxes with faceplates are covering up massive shame. :)


could use a grinding wheel...but a face plate would be far less work.


Lots of really sharp, etched copperclad faceplates out there, be a great save!
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Quote from: davent on February 23, 2015, 10:07:59 PM
Lots of really sharp, etched copperclad faceplates out there, be a great save!

That's what I've done in the past.  Not with copper, but a face plate can save the day.

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I actually have a few mis-drilled enclosures that I need to do this with. Might be time to order some black and blue copper clad.


Quote from: flanagan0718 on February 24, 2015, 12:22:25 AM
I actually have a few mis-drilled enclosures that I need to do this with. Might be time to order some black and blue copper clad.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. My first few, ok maybe almost half dozen, enclosures ended up atrocious. I've since gotten better at drilling the marked spots. However, I still make stupid tired mistakes from time to time. So I'm prepping my first etches with face plates first. And then doing some enclosures. Prepare for the worst.
My $.02 is worth exactly that...


I went down and picked up a hand sander and some more sand paper. The bad etch came off in about 2 min. with the 60 grit. I'll proceed with the rest of the grits and get these things ready to re-etch.

Thanks for the suggestions guys!