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ECHOwreck (Doombutter)

Started by mcallisterra, February 22, 2015, 11:25:14 PM

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When I stumbled upon Haberdasher's discontinued PCB thread, I recognized almost all of them except the Doombutter. I didn't even know what the MidFi Clari(not) which is it based on was, so I promptly jumped on YouTube to check it out and fell in love with the weirdness. Totally bizarre glitchy delay vibrato fuzz combo that is supposed to simulate a broken/failing tape echo. Here it is!

A few firsts for me in this build:
- First time building a pedal NOT on a labelled PCB, but on Haberdasher's awesome etch. It showed up amazingly clean and perfect!
- First time using an LED/LDR combo
- First time drilling any holes in an enclosure (this was an old BYOC enclosure I had laying around, just needed to add a pot and LED hole)
- First time distressing a pedal.

I didn't intend to distress it originally. I finished it in flat black, and it looked perfect, but as I was trying to add a tiny drop of super glue to hold the LED in place, something went wrong and it went all over the face of the pedal. I didn't want to start over so I just decided to make this one look beat up. But then I thought it kinda fits the name I had decided on *and* the theme of this pedal, and so I'm actually glad it happened now.

Overall I love the sound of this. I did the 'fuzz lift' mod which I 100% recommend. I was expecting a bit of a one-trick-pony and that it would be fun to make stupid broken tape sounds, but I've managed to get some incredibly useful tones out of it, like a Beatles-esque ADT setting, and almost a glitchy chorus sound as well as straight up single-repeat modulated delay.

Thanks again to Keefe for an awesome etch!


nice-  love the side lettering and the blue wiring! and the knobs...
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Nice distressed style, love it.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


kinda jack deville vibe to the black, knobs, layout of the controls.


Cortexturizer - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: LaceSensor on February 23, 2015, 09:29:15 AM
kinda jack deville vibe to the black, knobs, layout of the controls.

I'd never even heard of Jack Deville pedals - just went and looked them up and you're right haha. Pretty similar to the Dark Echo.


How did you manage to do the "3D effect" on the side letters ? It is really nice / professional looking !


Quote from: Coda-effects on February 23, 2015, 12:08:27 PM
How did you manage to do the "3D effect" on the side letters ? It is really nice / professional looking !
Thanks! Another kind of happy accident really. My initial plan was to spray the pedal white, add those stick-on letters, spray it all black, and then remove the letters to reveal the white underneath. Once I had sprayed a few coats of the flat black though, the letters looked nice and sealed, and I too liked how it looked, so I just left them on there. I don't think they're going anywhere now since the edges are buried under a good few coats of that black.


Quote from: mcallisterra on February 23, 2015, 01:07:53 PM
Thanks! Another kind of happy accident really. My initial plan was to spray the pedal white, add those stick-on letters, spray it all black, and then remove the letters to reveal the white underneath. Once I had sprayed a few coats of the flat black though, the letters looked nice and sealed, and I too liked how it looked, so I just left them on there. I don't think they're going anywhere now since the edges are buried under a good few coats of that black.

That really was a happy accident, because they look amazing! Have to consider something like this to some project too.. :)


This looks awesome!

I love the sounds people get out of this pedal, the guys at Midfi really design some crazy useful boxes.
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


I like the look on this one.

Very cool  8)


I am really digging this all around. You did a great job on the distress look and the letters on the side look fantastic. I think I may try this method also.



Thanks for the kind words guys!


I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


That is badass

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.