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Store bought Multi-effects

Started by billstein, February 22, 2015, 05:02:41 PM

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Nothing is impossible. There are always solutions to be found. This is the truth and majesty of DIY.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


You mention going straight into the board. Are you looking for something with amp sims are just straight effects?
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


The other day,the idea of buying a Tech 21 FlyRig crossed my mind. Then I thought: it can be done with a good amp simulator , some FV-1 based delay and my favourite OD. And I can even add more features!!

Now I only have to learn how to work with the FV-1....

The FlyRig sounds great though.
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @



you knew it was coming!

I love the Frankenstein analogy!  :{D

"At the line it's just you, me and the tree." the TreeSlayer

"You have the rest of your life to make excuses and be a fuckin' pussy. Today is your day OFF!"  Amiri King


I have a Digitech RP1000 which is quite versatile.  Has built in effects, amp models, a volume/wah/expression pedal, and a balanced output to go directly to a mixer/PA.  On top of that, you can add you own homebuilt analog effects in an effects loop, so you can have the best of both worlds!  :).  I find it great for recording and practice. However, for live gigs it is becoming more than I need and I am trying now to move towards an simple, small analog pedal board.


The fly rig looks really cool.  It seems almost perfect for what you'd need at church, and not super expensive.  Those guys make nice stuff.

I have a sansamp bass DI that sounded fantastic on some recordings I did back in the day.  Nothing more amusing than showing up with a Steinberger bass, a cord, and that little box.  Gotta try to find it now...
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: RobA on February 22, 2015, 10:05:17 PM
You mention going straight into the board. Are you looking for something with amp sims are just straight effects?

I think the amp sims would be nice.

Here's the reason I started thinking this way. We played a song today in church where the original guitarist seems to use 3-4 different effects and settings during the song. He goes from distorted to clean with octave to wah to... With my pedal board as it is right now, I would be tap dancing so hard I'd probably throw a hip out.
Since I've never used a multieffect I thought I'd throw it out to see the experiences of those who have.
The bass player this morning was at NAMM this year and said that Line6 was bringing out a new multi that looks nice. The Firehawk.


If tap dancing is the problem, then I would recommend you to build a good effect switcher/looper.

It is the cheapest alternative and you'll still have access to the sound you get with your pedals.

If you don't want to build it, there are plenty comercial alternatives too (*blasphemy  :P)
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


Quote from: micromegas on February 23, 2015, 08:55:12 AM
If tap dancing is the problem, then I would recommend you to build a good effect switcher/looper.

It is the cheapest alternative and you'll still have access to the sound you get with your pedals.

If you don't want to build it, there are plenty comercial alternatives too (*blasphemy  :P)

That still involves tapdancing, just localized on a single controller instead of the whole pedal board. The beauty with these multi FX is that they can be one stomp, completely different sounds. Unless you get into the big commercial loopers. Which cost as much as a multi-FX unit anyway.

Burn me as a heretic but I don't get the obsession with 'you must get DIY stuff or pedals at all costs!' If you're one of those guys who absofragginlutely has to twiddle a lot of knobs on the fly, go for pedals. If you want to quickly change all your sounds with one stomp, get (or build) a looper with presets. If you quickly want to change all your sounds with one stomp and it has to sound exactly the same every time all the time, get a multi FX. Whatever works best to satisfy your needs, even if that means getting something that is not DIY or non-analog. And as I said, unless your audience consists solely of guitarists, which you probably would want to avoid at all cost anyway  ;), 99.99% of the audience members will never hear the difference between cheap ass Behringer, expensive bootweek, proud homemade DIY or Line 6 digital.


Quote from: Muadzin on February 23, 2015, 01:42:49 PM
And as I said, unless your audience consists solely of guitarists, which you probably would want to avoid at all cost anyway  ;), 99.99% of the audience members will never hear the difference between cheap ass Behringer, expensive bootweek, proud homemade DIY or Line 6 digital.

I totally agree with you on this.
Most of my guitar friends have moved from pedalboards and tube amps to Kempers and Fractal Audio racks and they sound almost the same live (those are expensive things though).

As I said before, I've been thinking about getting a Tech21 Fly Rig just for simplicity's sake. I love pedals and building them and the palette of sounds you can get out of them, but sometimes you just have to go simple and find whatever fullfils your needs.

The blasphemy thing was a joke, I still have an Eventide Timefactor on my pedalboard that I'm not goint to get rid of anytime soon.

Post #1000 btw!
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


Some people like the Line 6 stuff... most people like the axe fx .... I can't see how you'd go wrong with an Axe FX II & their Midi controller. I'll probably get something like that someday.
"my legend grows" - playpunk


I would LOVE to get me an Axe FX one day. I love playing with pedals, I'm a knob tweaker at heart, I love building them and pedals forever as far as rehearsals, recording and the odd gig is concerned. For touring however I'd get me the Axe and its controller. I'd probably have to unload some gear to be able to afford it. Anyone interested in a 90's Gibson Explorer and Fender Strat?


I have two H9's and I play in a similar setting as you.... Currently using a DMC-8D to control the presets, but working on my own midi controller with a form factor I like.
Contract PCB designer


Having presets is a good argument for a multi IF you truly and genuinely love the sounds that are available. If you don't love the sounds, you will eventually move on and will have wasted money. I use digital delay mainly because of presets. I agree that getting a multi with a loop is essential. And please no digital dirt. Keep that part analog.