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Anyone want to take a gander at my sea monster...hehe

Started by flanagan0718, February 21, 2015, 07:12:58 AM

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     Sorry guys I couldn't resist! Any ways here is a build report for the Madbeans Kracken. This was a very fun, easy, and rewarding build. I am a lover of, well, all effects pedals but I do love me some envelope filters! This build is a straight up version of Brian's design. I didn't do any mods to it mainly because he already did the mods for me. I love the effect and it will certainly fit the need. This is the first time I am using the 1776 Opto-Tron. So far so good. I honestly haven't tried the pedal with the switch board yet. But, I will be sure to do so tomorrow.

     As for the art, I sto...borrowed it from the inter-tubes and did a little editing to fit the pedal I used the camp green color on the sides and back plate but decided to leave the top bare for whatever reason. I think it looks cool. Some thing weird happened to the decal when I clear coated the enclosure. I kind of distorted or ate away at the image in a couple spots. I though it actually looked kind of cool so I left it. This isn't a customer build or anything...I just wanted one. Well enough blabbing, I know what you guys want...the centerfold spread!!! Here ya go, Ya filthy animals!


Thanks a ton for checking it out. I wil be sure to post a video when I get a chance to record one.


  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!



always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings



BigNoise Amplification


Digging it, looking great man! 8)

And great envellope filter for sure, in my top 3!
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


That's really cool

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Thanks for the kind words guys. Honestly it feels good to be back at the bench. It's been a while Since I completed a build and to get these 2 done in a feels good. Thanks again. Can't wait to get my hands on that fluff gir...wait that sounds wrong:-/

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Love the graphics Mike, looks like a picture from a H P Lovecraft Novel!  Tidy build, good work!
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QuoteLove the graphics Mike, looks like a picture from a H P Lovecraft Novel! 

+1  :)

I really like the LED on the kracken eye too !


Bitchin' build Mike.  Tight and clean. Love the LED as well.  I personally think the half melted cap on the switch pad gives it some character. lol


Quote from: bigdaddymrx on February 23, 2015, 12:08:47 AM
Bitchin' build Mike.  Tight and clean. Love the LED as well.  I personally think the half melted cap on the switch pad gives it some character. lol

I didn't realize that until I posted the pictures. HAHAHA I pulled it and put a new one in this afternoon. Thanks for the kind words guys!