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DIY Pedal things you have never done...surprisingly.

Started by selfdestroyer, February 18, 2015, 09:00:30 PM

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I never, ummm.....
I never built a,
wait no I did that in 2007.

Hmm....once I decided I would never...
shit, forgot about that thing I did anyway.

Well, that's it. I've done it all. Just not well.


My $.02 is worth exactly that...



Can't think of anything I've wanted to do and haven't either done or found a more suitable way of doing :o
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: VanDerchuck on February 19, 2015, 04:04:10 PM
Been successful.

I'll have to take some pictures of the Perserverance Screamer sometime. I screwed up everything possible on my first greenbean build, desoldered the whole thing, and completely rebuilt it - all with off board wiring.

That is probably the dumbest thing I've done in this hobby too.
"my legend grows" - playpunk


Quote from: artstomp on February 19, 2015, 08:45:49 AM
..i have populated more than 10 pcbs, some are working and some needs debugging...
and i have never boxed any one of them!...that's why i have not post any build reports..haha...

Kinda the same story here.  I've populated an etched Pork Barrel (not working), etched Little Angel (not working well), etched Sea Urchin (not working yet), two etched Snarkdoodles (both work great), a JMK Testing Rig (need to get it done to start debugging the chorus/delay boards) and a MB Green Bean (works great).  None but the Green Bean is boxed, and its box isn't really finished - decal problems, but I'm using it as-is right now anyway.  I like etching and populating boards, but finishing enclosures...  I have great ideas and artwork for them, I just lack the time and energy to execute them.


Probably the number one thing I've never done is use a breadboard. I've built about 70 pedals and a few amps.

Oh and I guess the other thing is I've almost never tested a pedal before I boxed it. A direct violation of Bean's rule number one. But I guess this is related to the above sentence.

Oh and I've only ever built on a PCB, etch and through hole. No vero or perf...again probably related to the fact I never spent time on a breadboard.


I've never been able to stop buying PCB's I don't need.

I've never been able to build a KOT type effect. I've tried two separate Bluesbreaker boards from Aion, Rolly's Queen of Bone, Justin's Beast and everyone of them has something wrong that I haven't been able to figure out. It's probably the one pedal I want the most but it's kicking my butt.


Quote from: billstein on February 19, 2015, 05:50:19 PM
I've never been able to stop buying PCB's I don't need.
I've never been able to stay focused on the PCBs I buy to the point of finishing a batch before ordering more... One week it's phasers, the next ODs, the next Delays... By the time they arrive I'm on to the next interest...


Quote from: billstein on February 19, 2015, 05:50:19 PM
I've never been able to stop buying PCB's I don't need.

I've never been able to build a KOT type effect. I've tried two separate Bluesbreaker boards from Aion, Rolly's Queen of Bone, Justin's Beast and everyone of them has something wrong that I haven't been able to figure out. It's probably the one pedal I want the most but it's kicking my butt.

I've got one side up and going, and I'm waiting on electrolytics for the second. Both are on vero board. I'm still undecided on if they're keepers. I need to try both at once and some midgets for clipping before I know if I want to box them up. If I decide to pass you're more than welcome to the boards for shipping and cost.
My $.02 is worth exactly that...


In honor of my confession here today, this evening I went out in my shop and powder coated a box for my JMK testing rig.  Baby steps, lol


I've never used a 3pdt board or solid core wire.  With the number of multis I seem to (and want to) build it really looks like that's the next step towards neat guts.

Never breadboarded either.  I can just about guarantee that I won't be putting anything in a 1590a any time soon either.


i've never made clean, good looking guts.

I always TRY, look at the enclosure, plan, try to keep the wires as short as possible, and it always end up looking as if the flying spaghetti monster puked in my enclosure


i never etched an enclosure

i never built a fuzz, a modulation effect
i never built a delay i liked (PT2399 i build always seemed to have a crushed attack and i hate that)
i never built a straight ahead clone without making a small change here or there


I've never
- etched an enclosure or pcb
- got an analog delay to work right (it's an expensive pile, my BOF)
- managed to keep a Stage Fright working right (though two of those were my fault out right, because in trying to make things "better" I made them "broken").
- ordered anything from Mouser.
- seriously attempted to clean out my BOF.  It's where good boards go to die apparently.

I've only once
- got a Rangemaster to work.  I don't know why such a simple circuit proves to be such a problem.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.