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How much hot rodded Marshall can I squeeze into a 125B...?

Started by cooder, February 05, 2015, 08:04:13 PM

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It's all magic..!

Love the swirl!  Are you dipping them, or is there another way you're doing these? 
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


This is a thing of beauty! The swirl looks great as always, great creativity cramming that all in there!


Outstanding!  Great job packing all that in there.  Must've been an exercise in patience.


Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Thanks again for the kind words guys! :)
Quote from: drolo on February 06, 2015, 12:06:15 PM
Merlin's beard, very impressive :-)
What did you mount the relay board on? Or is it just hovering in the air with a magic spell ?
Thanks Drolo, the relay board is held by the LED which is epoxied onto enclosure, also the wires keep it from moving. A construction that works well enough for me and hasn't given me any issues yet. Sometimes I secure the relay board with double sided foam tape or a little dollop of epoxy on the side to enclosure, but in this case that wasn't necessary at all.

Quote from: wgc on February 06, 2015, 01:26:37 PM
It's all magic..!

Love the swirl!  Are you dipping them, or is there another way you're doing these? 
Thanks wgc, the method I use is somewhat similar to a tutorial that floats around the net, I think you need to google "Dragonfly's tutorial" or so ... in fact I just googled myself, here it is
I also use acrylic paints for the effects and then topcoat it with several coats clear satin polyurethane. Of course you can use high gloss or envirotex or so, I just stuck with satin because fingerprints and dust etc show less.
Getting the right consistency of the acrylic paints is important, you gotta experiment with that. The good news is if you stuff up an enclosure and it looks meh you just hold it under water tap and wash off as acrylics are obviously waterbased. Start again.
I buy testpots of acrylic paint at hardware store, cheap and you only need a small amount as you dilute it with water anyway.
My best results of dilution is when it drips readily off a spoon when you take it out of mixing container. That's probably 2/3 paint and 1/3 water mixed in, but as said you'll need to experiment with your specific paints and how you find your way of messing it up in style  ;).
I don't have any photos of me doing it because the problem is that it's incredibly messy and I don't want a paintjob like that on my camera.... so need to find someone to press the button while I'm messing around.
If you guys are really interested I might try it somehow next time to take pics.
It's actually good childish fun to do the paint effect, just do it outside, old clothes on, rubber gloves and a smile and go nuts...
BigNoise Amplification


cool, thanks for the info!

I've been dipping mine, but this looks like something I might try too
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings