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Naughty Fish Help

Started by Mycyk, February 03, 2015, 05:21:40 PM

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Latest attempt:
I replaced R12 thru R21 and C1, C9, C4 & C12. No change....  :o
That covers just about all the components on the driver side of the Vactrols.

I don't believe it is in the power supply or the sensor side of the circuit because it works in the down position.
At this point I'm thinking it's the board itself although I can't see anything obvious with it......
Any other ideas???


Just so you know, I've populated my board and soldered in the switches, but Smallbear sent me a C50K pot instead of the C500K I intended to use for the Gain pot.   :P


I just built two of these today, and am having the same issue with the "range" switch on both of mine. I am hoping someone solves this one soon!


...well, I spoke too soon. I was able to solve my issue with the range switch only working in one position. As it turns out, I had wrongly assumed that the white dot on my vactrols indicated the cathode of the LED. The dot in fact indicated the anode (+) side. I verified this by lighting the led with a battery/CLR while measuring the resistance of the vactrol.

I feel like a dummy for having put the vactrols in wrong polarity on both builds. I desoldered them and put them in the right way, and now everything works great. Hopefully this helps prevent someone else from making the same mistake.


Hey Jeremy,
Just out of curiosity which way did it work? Up (wah) or down (yeow)? This may be a solution to my problem.....