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The Bog of Eternal Stench (Swamp Comp Fuzz #1)

Started by midwayfair, January 29, 2015, 03:48:23 PM

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Quote from: pickdropper on January 29, 2015, 08:10:17 PM
Well I was the dad in this case.  Not having seen it as a kid, I didn't realize we would face the wrath of Cod.  I was told it was a good children's movie so I didn't pre-screen it.

The good news is that the kids didn't even seem to notice it.  I am guessing adults are more sensitive to it.

My dad also let me watch Child's Play at 6 or 7...a little Cod is better than a TERRIFYING ragady Andy doll.


Quote from: midwayfair on January 29, 2015, 03:48:23 PM
After a bunch of discussion, we settled on a compressor with a blended fuzz. The compressor half is a modified Bearhug (longer attack, and hardwired to the long decay), and the fuzz is two modified BMP stages with bass boosts. The tone control is a low-pass shelf filter with a deeper cut on the fuzz side than the clean side. The fuzz output was also tuned to be about the same volume as the clean signal regardless of the pot's setting. One really neat thing that happens is that when you turn up the fuzz pot a little, you don't necessarily hear much distortion, but you do get a noticeable shift toward the bass side of the spectrum.

I'll post a schematic after JR has finished his build and given me his thoughts, in case there are any final tweaks. This is his baby now, so I don't know if there will be a project PCB available. I don't know when I'll get a chance to do a demo with FAWM coming up, but I might use it in a recording during February.

I have a couple of bassist friends that would absolutely be interested in something like this. Can't wait for the layout. Once again killer build you always knock it out of the park with those hand painted enclosures.


The idea was to have an always on compressor that can do some light overdrive and has some muffish potential. Kind of put the three most useful/non-modulation bass effects into one clean package.


Creative, good looking and original. Top notch!
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


nice layout, love the illustration too!
labrynth one of my all time fave flicks :)



Cool build but an even cooler PIF idea.  Good work, man.


Got the board and components today. I'll have to see how much time I get this weekend.


Finished up the board last night and it works! Needs a bit of fine tuning as it's not behaving 100% as it should. Working with Jon on that: