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Favorite Amp

Started by jball85, June 01, 2011, 11:15:45 PM

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Post your favorite amp.


Fender Super Champ XD, if it was at least 22-38 watts I'd gig with it, hell I used to. However, I need volume to jump out over my rythm player so I roll with a marshall 1923c for gigs.


1973 Hiwatt DR-103.  Loud.


Out of the amps I've owned (Fender Performer 650, US Made HRDLx, V30 Blues Junior, TRRI) well its pretty obvious all of them are Fender amps  ;D

My favorite is the TRRI. Its way too loud but it has a crazy bubbly clean quality to it that is just insane for blues and takes pedal incredibly well (except the rangemaster). I will probably buy a blues junior to mod or a Marshall haze 40 (which absolutely rips it up in the drive department) in the future.


I just had some work done on my blues deluxe. I had a tapering resistor put on the volume pot so It doesn't blast my head off on 2. got it retubed and biased and a couple other resistors changed and man does it sound great. my mesa nomad 100 is a close second. and it's not really an amp but my axe fx is bananas.
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


I have a '64 Fender Bandmaster head (40 watts or so) that I used to run into an Ampeg V-4 4x12 cab back in the day.  I found out that I could use a splitter to run signal into both inputs, turn everything on 10, and get some of the sweetest power tube overdrive I've heard. And yes, it did tend to get pretty loud.  ;D


Quote from: pandadandan on June 02, 2011, 03:52:35 PM
1973 Hiwatt DR-103.  Loud.
That's a great choice!!

My usual amps I use are 73' Sunn concert lead (greyface), 73' Sunn Model T and 72' Sunn Solarus.
Though recently I've been using an Earth 440 Bass Producer Seriers. It's solid state, 700 watts, 2 ohm output load (4-4x12 cabs) and its got such a clean sound. Its really perfect for applying pedals.
The amp I'm most interested in now is an AIMS Eclipsor or maybe the Peavey Butcher. I've heard great things about that Peavey head being a poor man's hot rodded JCM 800. There's just too many awesome amps out there...
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


I had Martin of MJW amps build me a 5w 6v6 Goldstar. It never leaves the house and is primarily for testing pedals. As such I wanted a simple single channel clean 'fenderish' amp with a good buffered loop, and that's what I very much got. I absolutely love it. I've thrown everything I've got at it and the only pedal it doesn't like is our bizarro Russian Tonebender clone. Strangely it does exactly the same thing on another MJW so it's probably an incompatibility with it and the way Martin does things. Still *everything* else sounds better on it. It's bloody marvellous.
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Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on June 02, 2011, 06:59:33 PM
Quote from: pandadandan on June 02, 2011, 03:52:35 PM
1973 Hiwatt DR-103.  Loud.
That's a great choice!!

My usual amps I use are 73' Sunn concert lead (greyface), 73' Sunn Model T and 72' Sunn Solarus.
Though recently I've been using an Earth 440 Bass Producer Seriers. It's solid state, 700 watts, 2 ohm output load (4-4x12 cabs) and its got such a clean sound. Its really perfect for applying pedals.
The amp I'm most interested in now is an AIMS Eclipsor or maybe the Peavey Butcher. I've heard great things about that Peavey head being a poor man's hot rodded JCM 800. There's just too many awesome amps out there...

Awesome selection yourself.  Model Ts are huge sounding.  Every time I see Boris, I marvel at the three Ts glowing in the background.

If you're after a Butcher, also keep an eye out for the VTM120 (or VTM60, but that's only 60w. Booo) as it's the successor of the Butcher.  The only difference is that there are some mod dipswitches on the front panel of the VTM allowing you to shape the tone more  (bass boost/treble boost/mid boost).  The Butcher and VTM are super easy to mod, too.  You can take them apart really quickly.


Yea the bass player from Boris does use crushing Model T's, but he's got that white one I sometimes see in pictures on stage w/ Sunn. I like the Model T, but I feel the price is such a hype I wanna clone one. It looks like such an easy amp to build.
I've heard of VTM120. I'd glady take either one.
Is it anything similiar to a Ampeg VT-120? Cause I have one of those that I'm looking to get rid of.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on June 04, 2011, 05:36:21 AM
Yea the bass player from Boris does use crushing Model T's, but he's got that white one I sometimes see in pictures on stage w/ Sunn. I like the Model T, but I feel the price is such a hype I wanna clone one. It looks like such an easy amp to build.
I've heard of VTM120. I'd glady take either one.
Is it anything similiar to a Ampeg VT-120? Cause I have one of those that I'm looking to get rid of.

Nah the ampeg is a different beast.  I love the V-series Ampegs though, especially the doom-friendly V-4.  Killer amp.
VTMs can be had for cheap still.  Kind of sleeper amps, to be honest.  Their main drawback is that they are usually biased cold, so they can sound a bit sterile unless you get the plate voltage higher.  Still, they're loud as hell and have that JCM crunch, which is all good.


Fender bassman, plexi Marshall, vox ac30, anything Orange.


Right now I have a 76 Vibro Champ, and it's awesome.

The best amp I've played was been a Matchless DC30, or a nice old Princton. Either of those would be fantastic to own and gig with.

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Quote from: jkokura on June 04, 2011, 05:25:12 PM
The best amp I've played was been a Matchless DC30, or a nice old Princton.

I love the Princeton also.  I played with a guy that used a silver face that was awesome.  It was also the heaviest little combo amp I ever picked up.  Felt like it was made out of lead.


I've only ever had my Marshall JVM410 and Fender Deluxe Reverb RI but I love both.

Recently tried out an Orange Tiny Terror and a Mesa Boogie Express 5:25 and wouldn't mind purchasing either one of those!