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tone-drop-Issue with the Darkside

Started by Sigesmundninja, June 01, 2011, 07:47:04 PM

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Just finished my first ever pedal, the darkside. I 'm actually impressed with its tone (did all the mods) but there one little thing that bugs me. When I strike a note the tone changes after about half a second and becomes a litte bit muffed and becomes a little bassier. Anybody knows why or is this how it should sound?



Hey man! Before we can help you out, can you go to this thread and make sure you provide us with all of that info?

It's a lot better to know all these details about your build to be able to help you get going faster :)


God bless!


Sorry about that. As I said its a darkside and the problem is a change of tone 0.5 - 1 seconds after i strike a note. Sometimes I can even count two changes in the tone with the same pace every time.

Since I made all the suggested tweeks to the circuit I put some diodes, transistors and caps in sockets and i've checked all of those to make sure nothing is loose. The Transistors are BC549B (turned the way it shows on the board). D1-D4 are BAT41. All Caps are WIMA box or Panasonic FC Electrolyt.

The only changes I've made is R36.. got some wrong parts when I ordered and didn't have a 620R resistor so I put in a 580R. Allso I connected the sleeve of the output jack to ground and omitted the DC-jack.

Sorry if my english dosn't make sence. I'm swedish
