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Fuzz pot problem?

Started by nineknives, January 25, 2015, 02:13:37 AM

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Hey all,

I'm building a Retrograde. I boxed it up to test it and I get signal with the effect on and off. The signal is super clean when bypassed, but I'm having some problems when it's on.

The fuzz knob makes the effect totally silent from positions 1 to 8. At 8 the effect is audible, but the jump in fuzz effect from 8 to -0 is enormous. Also, when I turn the fuzz knob past 8 the pedal gets incredibly noisy and at times even screechy. All solder joints from the board to the fuzz pot look clean and they aren't touching anything else.

What could cause the pot to silence the effect from 1-8, and why is it getting so exponentially noisy from 8-10?

Thanks guys!


Double check the value of your pot.


I'd check to ensure you didn't wire the effect backwards and also check for proper orientation of the transistors.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Thanks for your help. I accidentally swapped the volume and fuzz pots. Should the octave setting be this subtle?