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volume boost schematic

Started by michael J, January 23, 2015, 03:24:32 AM

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michael J

I am in need of a "amp" or "booster" of some sort, and I'm not sure of what schematic I am looking for... Here is what it's for...

I have a home theatre system that I am adding "butt Kicker" or "tactical transducer" to, and I need to add volume to an audio signal in order to boost the volume on the speaker by probably 30ish or so Db. Any thoughts or schematics that could work for this would be great! I would like to use a pot, for adjusting, a switch, and an LED.


No way of knowing what's appropriate without knowing that the signal level you're putting INTO the booster is like (how big is it already?), what the follower circuit is, what kind of power supply is involved.

This is just waaaaay too general of a question.


This might be a good place to start

At the bottom of the page there is a section on "Tactile Transducer Amplifier Project"

QuoteThis project is a power amplifier with an integral low pass filter on its input. It's meant to be used to drive bass-shakers/tactile-transducers.
