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Help finding a work space for a college student

Started by brand0nized, January 15, 2015, 05:49:52 AM

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If all else fails, post what city you're in here.  Maybe there's a local member who can share some bench space with you?
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Just do it man
You're over thinking this, live life


I would go to the science lab and ask the professor if there is any time where the lab is open for personal projects and explain what it is.  Most teachers like students that want to be hands on.  I'm guessing you might get encouragement.
Function f(x)
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Quote from: brand0nized on January 15, 2015, 09:59:05 PM
Update, I've ordered a coldheat cordless soldering iron, so I hope that works out.

The "ColdHeat" and similar soldering irons are NOT recommended for electronics as they pass voltage through the tip.  This has the good potential to damage ICs, diodes, transistors etc.   Plus they chew through batteries very quickly.  Just a FYI.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Quote from: rullywowr on January 16, 2015, 06:16:19 PM
Quote from: brand0nized on January 15, 2015, 09:59:05 PM
Update, I've ordered a coldheat cordless soldering iron, so I hope that works out.

The "ColdHeat" and similar soldering irons are NOT recommended for electronics as they pass voltage through the tip.  This has the good potential to damage ICs, diodes, transistors etc.   Plus they chew through batteries very quickly.  Just a FYI.

Would it mess up passive components? I always use sockets for my ICs and transistors, you think it'll be safe to use?


I went to a University with strict fire policies. No hotplates, mini-fridges, Christmas trees, etc. I lived in a small hall that only had 15 guys, so my RA was always snooping around. I started soldering and my RA said he didn't care as long as I was being careful. Soldering iron wasn't actually on the fire policies, so he couldn't tell me no. If he did, I would have just chased it up the ladder the highest school employee who would hear my case. More opinions, more chances for someone to approve. The soldering iron actually got me a job in the IT department, some bench fee money from fixing random students' stuff, and I sold a few pedals to musicians at school.

I say ask your RA, don't say that you have the stuff on you, but that you want a definitive answer.
If all else fails, find an outdoor outlet, bring your card table(for the tonez), camping chair, and solder outside(weather permitting, of course).

Edit: Also, if you do start soldering on campus. Don't waste time convincing college students that you don't know how to make a bomb. They won't believe you anyway.


Quote from: pk1802 on January 17, 2015, 09:33:04 PM
Edit: Also, if you do start soldering on campus. Don't waste time convincing college students that you don't know how to make a bomb. They won't believe you anyway.

Thanks for the inspiration!


Sorry to hear about your strict policies, it's less strict over here. I think getting access to a lab will be an option, but I have to say that at my university it wouldn't be possible (at least not easily), as there is a no-student-without-supervision policy. As I'm in chemistry you can imagine the kind of stuff we have lying around (toxic, reactive substances and so on), but maybe it's another thing with EE. I know that our EE student's association even has a little work area in their rooms.
Hope it works out for you

Quote from: pk1802 on January 17, 2015, 09:33:04 PM
Edit: Also, if you do start soldering on campus. Don't waste time convincing college students that you don't know how to make a bomb. They won't believe you anyway.

Me being a chemist getting into electronics doesn't help.. :D
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